[Day 13] Wake Up Call

Dec 07, 2009 10:15

[The silence of the prison is destroyed as the PA system clicks on ( Read more... )


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number1112 December 7 2009, 18:34:26 UTC
There were strange sounds filtering through into 11-12's subconscious as he slowly awakened from what seemed like a deeper sleep than he usually had ( ... )


hells_npcs December 7 2009, 18:40:19 UTC
"The warden wants you pieces of shit sparkly clean for the day so move it," The guard called out as he directed the flow of prisoners further down the hallway.

He almost didn't hear the question asked behind him, but as he glanced back over his shoulder, he saw one pathetic excuse for a prisoner asking questions. He hated questions. "You're in Hell's Gate prison, sunshine." The guard snapped before gesturing to the unlocked door, "Now get your ass out of your cell and down to the showers."



number1112 December 7 2009, 18:46:01 UTC
11-12 frowned, a trace of something like arrogance crossing his features. He wasn't used to being talked to in such a disrespectful manner. His father was the most important man in the Village and so as his only son he was used to being treated with respect by everyone else.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked, his voice still quavering slightly as his hand clutched the bars for support. He still felt a little like he was going to be ill.


hells_npcs December 7 2009, 18:52:04 UTC
The frown caused the guard's own brows to knit together. If there was one thing he hated more than questions, it was polite fuckers, and this little ray of sunshine seemed to have both. Well, he'd soon change that.

"Did you not hear me, cupcake?" The guard asked as he tapped his baton against the bars of 11-12's cell, "I said for you to get your ass down to the showers," Purposefully talking slowly, the guard continued, "I'll strip you naked and drag you there myself if you don't remove yourself from your cell in three seconds."


number1112 December 7 2009, 18:57:00 UTC
Even though he was frightened by the guard's words he continued to stand his ground for the moment - and ask more questions.

"Did my father send me here?" It was then that he put his hand to his throat to rub it and found something around his neck. His eyes widened. "What is this? Please, I want to talk to my father."


hells_npcs December 7 2009, 19:12:36 UTC
It seemed that this one wasn't going to cooperate. Sighing in irritation, he glanced over to his left as he called out to another guard, "Keep the worthless dogs moving, I've got myself a stubborn one."

Moving down along the cell, he pulled the heavy cell door open. Stepping within, the guard pulled the machine gun from over his shoulders as he held it. "I don't give a shit to what you want, boy." The guard said before he rapidly brought the butt of the weapon up to connect with the prisoner's jaw, "You're the Warden's bitch now, and he wants you in the showers."

[ooc: might be a little slow since I'm on/off helping the workmen here. Gott'a head to work in an hour.]


number1112 December 7 2009, 19:19:03 UTC
11-12's eyes widened even more, clearly very scared now. "Y-yes.... sir... I only..," he began to ask something else but decided against it for now.

He waited, having no idea where the aforementioned showers were, so he expected he'd be shown or told the way.

[ooc: No problem. Going to work in about an hour myself!]


hells_npcs December 7 2009, 19:23:07 UTC
He waited wondering if this prisoner would be stupid enough to push him further. It seemed that the little bitch was finally rolling over though, and with a gesture towards the open cell and the prisoners trailing along the hall, the guard barked, "Then follow the yellow fucking brick road, cupcake."

[ooc: I guess that works out well then \o/]


number1112 December 7 2009, 19:26:57 UTC
11-12 winced and nodded, moving past the guard nervously and following the line of other prisoners.

[Moving to the shower post]


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