[Day 12] Theatre (Free Shift)

Oct 30, 2009 11:06

Yuuri had set to cleaning the cages along with Armand. The task had been difficult though, and even without someone he knew trapped inside them, Yuuri had found it emotionally trying. Still he'd continued on and forced himself to do the work. There was no doubt within his mind that he would make sure that everyone who was trapped here and those placed within those cages had justice, but there wasn't much that he could do until he got to speak to the warden... if that was at all possible.

Following along with the other prisoners, Yuuri found his eyes widening in new-wonder as he made his way through the library and up towards the theatre room. He'd never been in here before, and despite his previous thoughts, the young Maou found himself entirely drawn into the old projector-like theatre. He'd never seen one quite like this, and the sight of the small screen made him snicker quietly.

If only he could show this to Wolfram. He had no doubt that the blonde Mazoku would enjoy the sight.

Moving down between the folding chairs, Yuuri picked a row about mid-way between the mass before he began to shuffle down. There were a few chairs free surrounding him as he sat, and with a curious glance, he looked around to try and find out any clues as to what they'd be watching.


aerith gainsborough, tassadar, l lawliet, yuuri, armand, cloud

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