what's the point in beeing here? what's wrong with me?

Jan 10, 2005 09:03

why was I put on this earth? All I do is piss people off and then hate myself because of it. I don't even know what's going on now... All I know is Zach thinks that I'm not happy for him for getting married to Misty but I am! At first I thought he didn't know her well enough and he needed to think about it more. But then I realized that he really does love her and I was happy for him how could I NOT be happy for him? Everytime I talked to him he was happy and that made me happy. Now he's pissed at me 'cause someone told him that I hated the fact that he's happy and getting married and I found out why he was pissed my Alicia she told me that she said congrats to him and then he said "atleast SOMEONE is happy for me unlike Em." the only people I told at the beginning about him not being ready was Myka nd Alicia and Alicia is the one that said he was stupid for it... I'm saying that 'cause Zach doesn't read this and never has and don't want Alicia to be in my position. but then when I was talking to Alicia she said that Zach said that I'm not over him... (Andy IS sort of (now) in the picture) and Zach got annoyed or pissed whenever I brought up Any's name. Alicia said that he has a big head and thinks that everyone is in love with him. then I called his house to see if he was home and I was talking to his mom and we were joking about it and I said "yeah he just has a big head... jk" then Zach got all pissed about that... God what's wrong with me?!?!?!?!?!? I fuck EVERYTHING up!
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