Apr 21, 2004 09:10
Hola I am OK today. I took this first aid class at my work yesturday and I learned how to put someone's arm in a sling and how to treat cuts and burns. I went home and put my little brother's arm in sling while he was playing Final Fantacy. I also used the bandage to flatten my chest. What chest? I know. that was exciting. I felt like a happy little boy tehe. I also finished my Citizenship Project just in time to turnit in today. So glade that's over. I have to work toaday but hopefully they won't make me stay late like they did on Monday. I need to call one of my friends tonight and work something out about going to a gay bar. That would be so much fun. Oh my mom and stepdad were fighting last night. My mom was upset 'cause my stepdad said she was nuts or she was acting nut. She said she didn't like to be called crazy and that he should just leave but he won't. I was surprized she didn't come and sleep in my bed last night. She does that when she's really pissed off at him which has been alot lately. I feel so sorry for her sometimes but I have to admit, she does act a bit nuts sometimes. This one time she started yelling at me for something that was actually her fault and she made me feel guilty and cry and then suddenly she was fine and she was telling me to stop crying and asking me if I was mad at her. I just gave this look like "Are you insaine?" It was almost like she needed me to feel bad for her in order for her to feel better. like she's only happy when someone else is pissed off. I wish my stepdad would just leave because this is really all his fault. I hate him.
Oh well. Ja matta.