day 8 | blog post

Oct 15, 2010 14:07

Okay-I suppose that this is just like Gotham: strange city, strange happenings, no way out like lab mice in a maze without any cheese. Correction, given the obviousness of the situation, I know it is. From the sign that I passed along the way here, this is Belle Pointe, and given the weather, we’re still in the US. More likely on the eastern shores unless we’re north enough. Then we could be on either coast or in Canada.

I do not like any of this, I will have you know.

I have a case to finish, a lead to follow-so if any of you know how to get out of here without the possibility of being maimed or killed, tell me now, because if I find out that you withheld this information, I can easily charge you with obstruction of justice. According to Title 18 § 1512 of the USC, that means at least ten years in prison.

!: hope estheim, nikolae thomas, !: wade wilson, !: lady

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