Mar 25, 2011 10:16
As much as people don't really like it here...this place isn't so bad. You guys have a store to get clothes and food, and that's better than nothing.
[He doesn't sound scolding at all. In fact, his voice is a little lighter as though he's inherently pleased with something. Yes, he's in the S-Mart, looking around at everything they have.]
Back in the place I was before here - World's End - we had to kill for our food. We raised chickens and rabbits at one point too so we could have fresh eggs and something to keep us all alive. But we never had a place to just get clothes unless the world shifted.
[He sits down somewhere, playing with the credit card in his hands.]
World's End used to change into someplace new every few months. Once, we went to a city called New York and we had credit cards just like these. It was like a mini-vacation from all the things we were stuck with for so long. It was the first time I'd ever slept in a hotel room or had gone to see a movie in a theater. I think we ate enough for an army for those few days we were there.
[That sounds kind of sappy. He smiles briefly.]
And in the end, we'd always come back to World's End and we'd have to get used to wearing the same clothes and scraping by. [A beat.] Even with what's happened, even with the craziness that's gone on here and the's still not so bad of a world to live in.
!: allen walker,
!: ozma,
!: m'gann m'orzz,
!: nikolae thomas,
!: sylvia christel,