Who: Claire Redfield, anyone else who shows up...
When: Day 13
Where: Orchid Avenue
What: Claire's finally come out of her house, at long last, but not exactly prepared so much for the weather as she is for a fight-a girl's got to be prepared for anything!
Rating: PG13 just on the safe side!
This place... it wasn't a dream, and it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't like the nightmare she had driven in to one infamous September day not too long ago. This place was like an episode of the Twilight Zone without the meaningful message at the end of the show, because there just didn't seem to be an end in sight. Claire had fallen asleep the previous day on her couch, hoping, praying she'd wake up and find Chris and Jill bickering in the kitchen over Claire's reckless behavior. But it just wasn't so. She'd awoken to darkness, except for the dim glow of the kitchen light, which she'd forgotten to turn off.
She was still in Bell Pointe. This was no dream.
A shiver had trailed down her back in the wake of this realization. If this really was going to be a permanent residence until she could get out then she would have to at least learn about the layout of this sea side town. She looked to her equipment, as little as it was. A simple hand gun, enough ammo for at least a week if she went easy on it, and, of course, her brother's knife. She looked to the phone and credit card she had left near her things. Gifts from the house.
It didn't take much for Claire to get up and check over her gun. She wouldn't test it in the house, of course, but she knew that it wouldn't break down on her now. She had had this gun all through out that accursed island and into that Antarctic facility. Surely it could handle a little more abuse-if you called it that. She tucked the gun in to the waistband of her pants, the safety was, of course, on. She wasn't going to shoot herself in the leg after all! And just as quickly she eased her knife into it's sheath and strapping it to her belt. A girl couldn't be too prepared!
Claire paused to debate taking the phone, but instinct told her to take it in case of emergency. The odd touch screen was still new to her, but she was getting the hang of it after spending most of the previous day just playing with it. She slipped the object into her pocket whilst grabbing her keys with her free hand and finally heading outside. It was chilly, colder than expected, and dark. The perfect kind of darkness for things that go bump in the night to come out and play, and Claire was as ready as she ever would be to see what this town had to offer.