Who: Clover and Snake, maybe Santa and Seven
Where: Where Snake is SUPPOSED TO LIVE
When: Late on Day 60
Rating: Maybe R, we have potty mouths
What: Clover's just
placed a call and is waiting for her brother.
Clover was pacing and chatting furiously on the phone to distract herself. Blog posts, the whole works. It was a pretty sweet design, she had to admit. Maybe later she'd try to take it apart. Of course mostly she was just trying to keep herself occupied till Snake and the others found her. She felt pretty badly for yelling at Santa, but could he really blame her? After all they'd been through as a group trust wasn't going to be easy to come by.
At least Seven was around, giant hulk of an idiot he could be. He was a trustworthy, safe, idiot who could hit things very hard. This was all important to Clover. She sat herself on the porch to wait. Even if everyone said it was harmless, she didn't exactly want to hang out with the zombie.