Who: Kida - OTA to whoever wants to help!
When: Day 50, afternoon shortly after her second phonecall.
Where: S-Mart
What: While Nicolas and co. dig the graves for the bodies. Kida waits for help.
Rating: PG-13 for probably gruesome content and handling of dead bodies. Language probably.
Kida stared at the bodies of the two men still hanging on the wall. It shocked her how one man could possibly do this to others.
She swallowed her trepidation - she was a warrior, a Queen, she shouldn't show any apprehension to a task that needed to be done - and approached the awning which Hehsebamon had chosen as his perch yesterday. She leaped and grasped the edge of the platform with the tips of her fingers, tightening her stomach she swung forward and used the momentum to curve herself backwards and onto the awning.
Standing she could observe the bodies closer and determine how best to lower them and pry the spikes from their bodies. She was thankful she hadn't eaten in many days, or she would have felt more sick than she already did.
"What a cruel creature this one is."
((ooc: here's her
phone post if you want to reply there first!))