Who: Dante, Vergil, Lady
What: Vergil and Dante go nuts. Lady gets the hell outta Dodge.
When: Day 31, around noon, before stage two hits
Where: Hospital to Sparda house
Rating: PG-13
He wanted to get out of this bed. Needed to. It wasn't his body that needed to heal, it was his psyche. To live his life trying to become strong, and then to be subjected to that kind of treatment, was an insult to everything he was. The added embarrassment of receiving help from his brother in such a way didn't help. It wasn't that he was ungrateful, but... How could he expect Dante to understand what he had been preaching if he couldn't live it?
Now he was feeling ill. A common cold on top of everything else, how fantastic. It didn't matter. What did? He didn't know. He needed out of the bed. His thoughts were everywhere and nowhere at once, his mind in chaos, as if he couldn't settle. He hated the doctor. He was hungry. The food sucked here. He needed to see Dante.
Vergil pulled himself up and out of bed, pulling the IV from his arm. The floor was cool and unyielding, bringing his mind to focus for a moment. He eyed his clothes and Yamato in a corner. It would probably be detrimental to arrive naked at his brother's house, especially with that woman there. That woman didn't matter. No, no she mattered to Dante, therefore, she mattered to him. Right? Was that how it worked? No, she was another human, she would die like the rest of them. Not worth his attention. Vergil pulled on his pants, grabbed Yamato, and was out the door. He'd be there soon.
What he would do when got there was another question entirely.