Title: Crook of My Good Arm
Fandom, Pairing: Alice (Syfy), mild Alice/Jack, mostly Alice/Hatter
Music: "Crook of My Good Arm" Pale Young Gentlemen
Summary: This is the song I've been leaving out of all my Alice mixtapes, hoarding it like a magical video-editing squirrel. The first time I heard this song, I thought, "I HAVE TO VID THIS TO ALICE/HATTER", partially because it's the perfect song, partially because it's Hatter.
Size/Length: 212.58MB; 02:55
All the liars I know
tell me the course is bleak.
They can go to hell,
I know that story well,
and maybe I am weak.
But not the crook of my good arm.
Run run through the thicket and the barley,
run run for the sake of your good name.
Run run for the puzzle of it all
for the child in your heart
that's taking all the blame.
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