Jan 09, 2006 15:20
[x] I wear pink
[] I've acted slutty
[x] I've dyed my hair
[x] I've had blonde moments
[x] I've danced around in my underwear
[x] I like the Spice Girls
[x] I wear makeup
[] I've snuck out to meet people/snuck people in
[x] I keep(kept) a diary
[] I love chocolate
[x] Chick Flicks make me cry
[] I've drank because of a guy
[x?] I still need my girlies
[ ] It takes me at least an hour to get ready
[x] I still have sleepovers w/ my girls
[] I love doing my hair
[x] Guys.
[x...] My boyfriend is better than yours lol
[ ] I'm cute and I know it
[] I'm NOT cute and I know it
[ ]Trucks are pretty much hot
[x] I have low self-esteem
[x] im in love
[] I've given a guy a fake number
[x] I've been honked at going down the road
[x] I've been hit on in public
[x] I've been called a slut as a joke..
[] I probably deserved being called a slut
[x] I've gone commando
[] I've been asked for my number by a guy I've just met
[] I gave him my number
[] I've asked a guy for his number who I just met
[] My friends over-rule everything else
[] Guys over-rule everything else
[x] I like pop music
[x] I love singing
[x] I love dancing
[] I've pulled hair when I got in a fight
[x] I've took a shot to a guys nuts
[] I have my belly button pierced
[ ] I have my tongue pierced
[ ] Ive been a cheerleader
[x] I like rock or metal music
X_x Guy-ish Confessions x_X
[] I have watched porn
[ ] I have played/cheated on a girl
[x ] Ive slept naked
[x] I play video games
[] I wear boxers to bed
[ ] Ive thrown rocks @ a girls window
[] Ive drank because I felt like it
[x... ] I still beat my buddies up
[ ] Of course they never beat me up
[ ] I drive a truck
[x ] I drive some type of car
[] I have a job
[ ] I have more than one job
[ ] I currently have a girlfriend
[ ] My girlfriend is better than yours
[ ] Im cocky
[ ] Ive forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few
[xhahaitsfunnybecauseimnotaguyx ] Not all guys are the same; Im one of the different ones
[] Id do anything for my girl
[ ] Im not in love
[ ] Ive honked at a girl going down the road
[] Ive hit on a girl in public
[ ] Ive asked a hot girl for her number that I just met
[ ] Ive acted like a man whore
[] Pamela Anderson is hott
[ ] Sports over-rule everything else
[x] I like rock music
[] I like rap music
[ ] Ive been suspended
[x] Ive gotten detention
[ ] The whole if a guy has big feet thing is true
[] Cheerleaders are hot
[] I have a tattoo
& Kid Confessions &
[x ] I still play w/ Barbies
[x] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays
[x] I eat Lucky Charms
[ x] I go trick or treating
[ x] I've taken a bath in the last month
[ x] I have water balloon fights w/ my friends
[ ] I still believe in Santa!
[] Mommy's still the coolest person ever
[x] I sleep till noon
[] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day
[] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute
[x] I still drink apple juice
[ ] I sleep in my mom/dads room when I get scared
[ x] The monsters in my bed/closet still scare me sometimes
[xwell...now I can...but up until I met matt...x ] I can't sleep w/ the lights off
[] I can't sleep w/ the lights on
[x ] I still like piggy back rides
[x] Boys/girls still make me giggle
[x]Boys/girls still have cooties