Oct 28, 2005 22:18
shock factor: Justin wants a vastomomy, I feel betrayed. I know I dont want to have kids now nor anytime in 9 years from now but, i'd rather have kids the old fashioned method; intercourse. Not all that hi tech money blowing technology. Sorry, but how romantic can you get when you get medical field involved? I think not. I'd rather my kids know they were conceived thru making love than some science.
Anyways, had work today; made 80 dollars for 8 hours. They are right down the street and I dont even have to drive. Easiest job ever. Next month I should be making 100 dollars more than what I made this month. *I just checked my calculations, if I am doing what I am, I am set for good for next few months*
anyways a convo that is worth mentioning:
me: i am hoping this is one of the all talk phase he is going thru
J: probably
J: he doesn't have the funds to do that now anyways so I wouldn't worry about it to much
me: well since he now only pays 100 a month
me: so he is actually saving money
me: for rent that is
me: he worries me sometimes
me: he doesnt know what he wants
me: like he would say i want to move here
me: then a week later
me: a new plan
me: i wish he knew what he wanted
me: is that normal for a guy
J: yes, completely
J: it's hard becoming a man
J: deciding what path you want to take in life
J: restricting some things
J: and accepting others
me: he hates his job, his managers are complete assholes
J: he will come through in time have faith
me: I sometimes wish he didnt move to IL because he would be so happy in north carolina
me: He deserves to be happy and I feel like I am not making him happy
me: even if he says I am but I see his job is killing him
I worry about Justin, He deserves happiness. That guy is wonderful and I hate when others treat him like shit, its like I rather take his pain away by taking it so he would remain his happy self.
Anyways Im falling behind alittle in my classes, so hence my post here to credit for my english class. I have lost taste for my classes, They just dont motivate me now. I miss my architecture and art classes, I miss building models and drawing, all this gen ed crap is a waste of everyone's time. we should be just focusing on our major, instead of learning how the stars work. Hell do you actually think we will be thinking about this in 10 years from now, a waste of money and education.
Nn side note?:
classes for next semester?
1. Architecture 1121
2. art 3-d 1152
3. pre calc 1
12 credits mondays and wednesdays, sounds good for me now. I want a head start to my major.
I am going to start applying to IIT and UIC for next fall, hopefully I will get into IIT, full ride? especially with my Gpa being at 3.8. Otherwise UIC, and full ride with ors. and lovely Craig, the idiotic counselor!
Hell Im out, tired as hell and I wanna sleep and dream about my DB