Apr 05, 2005 21:10
Gosh. the weather has been the best lately, hasn't it?
Well, I'm starting to get my money back from the bank... they at least paid off the huge chunk of overdraft fees putting me out of the negatives. :]
I visited the University of California, Irvine today, since I'll be going there and all. ;] Dad drove me around the campus but we didn't really get to walk around. at all. but its cool. I'm just glad he took me out there to see it. I'm definitely coming back in the coming weeks with my mom's car and a couple of friends. Did get some good quality time with my dad and grandparents out of the trip <333
Went downtown with my sister afterwards to get this blazer that I set aside for myself at work. it was like $128 and got marked down to $20! but then I ended up not getting it because 1. it wasn't all that and 2. I only wanted it because it was on such a big mark down. Ended up getting a $10 urban outfitters shirt. and a frappacinno light, which was a lot more fun than a blazer. trust me. My sister bought the hot hot heat cd. Just wish she didn't whine so much while walking around! oh well. it was fun.
Tomorrow Seattle cousins are coming down so we're going to be eating a LOT. I really need to start watching my weight over the next week. I'm now 154! ^____^ almost at 150.
Since I'll be getting my money tomorrow. I'll probably be making a trip to hillcrest soon. I NEED to go shopping.