Mar 08, 2005 20:51
This is what I asked for. Time to myself. and now i have it. time to myself, all by myself.
I ran 2 miles this afternoon at school. I had nothing better to do, and seeing how out of shape I am. I was glad that i could do that to myself. drive myself to the point of almost exhaustion.
Life at home sucks. Work sucks. The musical sucks.
If it wasn't for money and 49 community service hours, i would've already given up.
I want to give up. Just let everything go. But that would be too easy.
I'm going to do better than you. In every way. I'm going to start with myself. I'm going to make myself better, and then my education, and my life. I will do so much better than you. I can't wait to rub everything in your face.
I'm so angry right now. So genuinely angry.
Fuck everything and everyone. Yes, I said everyone.