My war is not with you.... it is with the squirrels, grubs, and skunks....

Apr 20, 2006 18:04

Ok.. so recently I have been fighting with the neighbourhood wild animals. I don't know who the hell they think they are but it is on!!! First, those big, ass, poofy tailed, wide eyed, seed stealing squirrels. I put feed in my bird feeders for the birds NOT for the bastard squirrels. No matter where I put my feeders, they still get them. Even the one in the backyard that is on a skinny pole .. they still get up there for a buffet. My poor fat cat moab just sits at the window licking his lips, but the squirrels know he is an indoor cat. Well lets see what they do when I unleash the wild wrath (who yes may be fat but can still move really fast)of Moab the orange tabby. Then..... ahhhhh yes....

... then there are the GRUBS . I began to notice my grass being pulled up, bumps all over. Then we discovered the small part of the front yard on the other side of the sidewalk was completely dead under the weeds. So I begin to pull all the weeds out and I find grub after grub after grub. Sadly it was fun playing a game of "flick the grub on the road so the little crawly gross wiggly things could get ran over by a car" game. I mean I could have been really mean and thrown the grubs I found on my neighbours lawn.. but I like my neighbours.. and well who would do that anyways (raises eyebrow at Snakechica and laughs). In the back I thought we had moles... but now I realize it is the skunks that are coming and turning my ground up to eat the grubs. If those little fawkers want a piece of me too .. it is on. I will spray paint their white stripes black or better yet shave them (people I have shaved an animal before and I am not afraid to do it again!!!). So if you come to my neighbourhood and see a naked skunk or pure black skunk running around.. you know I will have gotten my revenge.

Oh the beautiful responsibility and wars of home ownership.......

Now on how to rid grubs from your yard... here is a little info that I found out. July will be GRUB kill fest and.....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw I hate June Bugs... they are right up there with earwigs *shivers*

How to Get Rid of Grubs
Grubs can sure mess up a lawn. They destroy all the grass and leave a big brown spot behind. This method surely works. If you can pull up your lawn like a carpet, then you have grub damage. The grubs you find in a lawn are the grubs from Japanese beetles. Japanese beetles are dormant in the winter, and then fly and lay their eggs in mid-July. In August, the grubs start to to move to the surface of your lawn, and while doing this, eat the roots of the grass. The time to treat the affected area is right after the beetles lay the eggs.

Treat your lawn in middle of July. You want to use a product that contains Merrit, this chemical will poison the grubs, and kill them.
Apply the product following the directions on the package.
If you want a more organic option, then you can apply Milky Spore. This is a disease that will kill off the Japanese Beetles. You need to apply it in the Spring, Summer, and Fall for two years. This will insure that your lawn is "infected" and will remain so for at least ten years
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