Phone Calls out the Ying Yang...

Nov 10, 2005 00:06

... So tonight as I sit to have a peaceful dinner with my man.. the phone rings. A young man's voice is on the other end saying, "Hey this is a blast from your past!". I had to clue who it was until he gave me this clue: More Than Words by Extreme. IT WAS JEAN!!! Jean is a buddy that I have grown up with since kindergarden. Bascially my little brother is what I considered him, not only cause we were so close but also cause he was half my size lol. He now lives in Calgary and is doing well for himself in a punk/industrial type band and film production. For a while there I wasn't sure where he was going to end up ... seeing that he lost himself in the drug world pretty bad. After talking with Jean for awhile I then also got a call from two of my bestfriends growing up as well.. Melissa and Tracy. I begin to think to myself, is it reunion night or something!?! ha ha. Anyways.. bewtween those 3 calls and a few others I was on the phone fore 3 hours straight. So not me. But well worth it for the laughs and reminising that we all shared.

I know friends tend to lose touch from time to time, but I just love it when friends finally reunite and it is like nothing has changed. I am thinking I have a few road trips in my future soon. *does the fizzy dance*

Rock on!
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