(no subject)

Aug 18, 2004 15:31

Let's see, today is the third day of school and I have so much to write about.There is no way that am writing 3 days worth of stuff in long hand so just some brief point should do...

First day of school not bad at all:

Met Courtney in the morning w/ my brother dragging along. Then had homeroom with Courtney.
  • Ant & Phy-w/ Deanna and Christina and Mrs.Bullard seems nice
  • Afro studies-not a blow off at all, its a HCC class now so we really are learning stuff. The class really seems like fun b/c there are nothing but politcal debates all the time, there is this one guy who is like a conspiracy theorist its like everything the governement has ever done is just a way of bringing the minorities down. He had an on going debate w/ Angela Boudreax and I could have sworn she was going to like slap him. Funny Stuff!!
  • Home ec.-not home eco. at all, its so boring, now also an HCC class its like food prep. so we're learning about jobs to go in culinary art and stuff like that. We're not even going to be cooking until the end of the second semester. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
  • Government- Haven't really done much in the class, but I do love the teacher's accent, English. The people in the class are funny, so it seems easy.

Second day was hell:
The day started off bad so what should I have expected.
  • English: not that bad actually,I mean since it is HCC there are only 7 people in my class and I think my teacher is a lesbian. Not like think, but I'm pretty sure she is. She's like I'm controversial we are going to be studying gay lit and watching movies.
  • Pre-cal:torturous. She goes entirely too fast and at times I have;no idea what she's talking about and neither do any of the people around me except for Courtney of course.
  • Yearbook:we have such a tiny class, merchant cut like everybody, its pretty much a class of editors there are like 3 new people total. It's horrible:Cici and Christina are in the other class so that sucks! Sat. and Sun. there are these workshops that we are required to go to freaking 9-4 and 10-1 she's crazy!!
  • The Worst part of the day and can't believe I'm saying this is Off Campus. Its like when you have nothing to do and can't drive anywhere its pretty damn boring.

That's how its gone so far, hoping for the best later though.
Notexx: Best of all ran into Ruba while she was waiting for Manal. Wonderful!! It is going to be so weird without her this year.
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