Jul 10, 2010 00:02
- 09:23 This applicant is giving me a headache. How are you supported without any income or assets? "I'm just a hustler trying to get by" #
- 09:26 @ saidshe twitpic.com/23qmdd - Super cute hair day! :3 #
- 09:33 @ pinkjellybaby Congrats on the losses! That is fantastic! #
- 09:38 tweetphoto.com/31593527 @lovbus 可愛い!! ♡♡ #
- 09:39 @ chandelle twitpic.com/23mvmb - Very nice! Congrats!! :D #
- 09:43 super cute! RT @craft Plush Hobbes: FurGots on Craftster made a plush Hobbes, from the comic Calvin & Hobbes in 3 hours bit.ly/a2n1LS #
- 11:05 Is it a full moon or something? All the nutters seem to be calling me today. #
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