NEWS Brain Questions Myojo 7/8/11.11

Jan 16, 2012 20:34

Decided to translate these sections from some Myojo issues from last year (they may have been translated somewhere before, am not sure~) Each member get's a turn to ask the other members a random question, the others answer, and the member who asked the question in the first place picks the best answer!


NEWS Brains
Solving NEWS' questions together

Myojo 7.11

Question from Koyama Keiichiro
If you were to express "Koyama Keiichiro" in one word/phrase what would it be? You don't have to give a reason, so just in one word/phrase

Nishikido Ryo's answer
High academic achievement but is clueless. He has an older sister who's good at cooking

Yamashita Tomohisa's answer

Tegoshi Yuya's answer

Kato Shigeaki's answer
....Paper thin (laugh)**

Masuda Takahisa's answer
Small Mountain!

The best answer chosen by Koyama
This time, I tried picking Ryo-chan's answer as the best answer. Right now I can't help but be told "You have high academic achievement but are clueless" but I'm going to study a lot of things for 'news every' and am going to recover so just wait for it! He knows quite a lot of things about me, like having an older sister who likes to cook. When I heard that he even knows the names of my nephews I was surprised!

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Myojo 8.11

Question from Tegoshi Yuya
What do you all do in your private time? Tell me a hobby you're passionate about like I am with Futsal!

Nishikido Ryo's answer
Drinking, or watching a movie, or sleeping, or on the computer or playing the guitar.

Yamashita Tomohisa's answer
Watching a movie or listening to music. Is it not okay with those sort of typical things? Okay then, eating a lot! I always look like I'm enjoying myself when eating so it's okay to call that a hobby!

Koyama Keiichiro's answer
Sign language lessons. I have a 2 hour lesson once a week. I've been taught by a teacher in his 50's the whole time and we're really close now. Even if it has nothing to do with the lessons, he'll discuss a lot of things with me. And, of course, we converse the whole time in sign language. If it's just ordinary conversation, then a lot of the time we just use sign language

Kato Shigeaki's answer
You don't even have any interest in knowing about everyone's private lives (laugh) I'm basically just always sleeping. But just doing that, I end up wasting my long-awaited say off so I end up waking up after 6 hours but if I do that then I take a nap in the afternoon. Something like splitting it into 2~3 times a day, 1 hour each. In other words, I'm just always sleepy in my private time (laugh)

Masuda Takahisa's answer
When it comes to my hobbies then it's probably clothes I guess....I go shopping a lot too. If I have 2 hours free between work then I might end up going to look at clothes. The item that I'm interested in right now is a bowtie. One made out of a neat material and I can wear it as an accessory. It might be cute too when matched with a T-shirt.

The best answer chosen by Tegoshi
I'm making Massu's answer the best answer. His hobby being clothes is just what I expected. I wonder just how much clothes Massu actually has in his closet? I want to see it. Coincidentally, I got shopping once and buy all the clothes I'll wear for that season in one go. Which means that with 4 seasons, I only go shopping 4 times in a year. Me and Massu are both two opposite ends of the extremes. But, recently, just me and Massu went out to eat together for the first time in a really long time. This is probably about the 2nd time that we've eaten just the two of us since we've been in our 20's. There are times where we go out to eat before a Tegomasu tour or going out as NEWS but there's never really any time it's just me and Massu. At first I wasn't used to it and in my heart I felt nervous. But while drinking, the nervousness went away and I feel like we got to talk about a lot of things. We were in a store that had karaoke as well so we sang "Fighting Man" together (laugh) It made me think that sometimes spending time together just the 2 of us like this is good.

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Myojo 11.11

Question from Masuda Takahisa
What do you think I should do with my hair?

Nishikido Ryo's answer
I don't know. Isn't it fine how it is?

Yamashita Tomohisa's answer
It's fine how it is ♥

Tegoshi Yuya's answer
Your red hair right now suits you. Massu, you used to hate using wax and stuff but lately you've been arranging your hair and stuff quite a bit. I heard from the makeup people that you permed your hair too. But you can't really really tell with your perm right now.Wha if you tried a bit of a stronger perm and making it all fluffy? It seems like it would suit your atmosphere well. Kato

Shigeaki's answer
I'm sorry, I have no idea. Have you been changing it up until now?

Koyama Keiichiro's answer
I notice how Massu will cut his hair just a little bit and change it just a little bit. But to the fans and people watching on TV they may seem so small that it would be hard to tell. If you want everyone to notice then you'd have to do something like go bald....Okay, how about if you get dreadlocks? I can't imagine it at all though

The best answer chosen by Masuda
Shige & Nishikido-kun's are completely out of the question. They hurt me (laugh) With Yamashita-kun's as well, looking at the contents it seems like he's giving a kind opinion but actually he was just not wanting to answer the question properly, which = putting it together with Shige & Nishikido-kun's....Koyama seems like he actually thought about it well and I'm happy that he notices when I change my hair but, there's no way I'd try dreadlocks! You try do it yourself!! Which means, that if I was going to consider any of these it would be Tegoshi's opinion I guess~ I'm also kinda interested myself in making it more fluffy. Look forward to my next hair~

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Myojo 11.11

Question from Kato Shigeaki
What do kind of person do you think the person who first tried to eat soft shelled turtle was?

Nishikido Ryo's answer
A person with courage

Yamashita Tomohisa's answer
That's you isn't it! (laugh) That, or a person who's really hungry. Ah, this is correct isn't it

Tegoshi Yuya's answer
A person with humour. If he wasn't, then he wouldn't have tried to eat it right?

Masuda Takahisa's answer
Probably, the person who would eat the soft shelled turtle first, is the one who's hand got bitten first before anyone else. And then that person couldn't get the turtle off his hands so he had no choice and he tried to bit it too and then it was unexpectedly delicious? This has to be the correct one!

Koyama Keiichiro's answer
A person completely naked***! That's all

The best answer chosen by Kato
In my opinion, Nishikido-kun's "A person with courage" is close but I'll make Massu's one the best answer. Because he has the sense of a story in his answer (laugh) The first time I ever ate soft shelled turtle was 2 years ago. Yamashita-kun invited me and we went to eat. I had no opposition to it at all and it just normally tasted good. I'm basically usually good with eating strange things. What I'm not good with is pumpkin and Japanese confectionary. And I recently realised that I hate avocado too. That sweetness and the un ripeness of it comes into my area of dislike (laugh)

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*Sennin/ 仙人- I didn't really know how to translate this, and when I looked it up I got that it's a borrowed word from Chinease meaning "immortal person" . I also got that it means like "mountain man/hermit" so I'm not really sure what Tegoshi was going for with using it? XD;
** I think that Shige was maybe playing on words here, he used the word for paper-thin "紙一重" but he put it as "紙....一重" with the 2nd part probably to point out Koyama's single eyelids? XD
*** Pretty sure Koyama was just playing on words/trying to make a pun out of his answer, soft shelled turtle = すっぽん, and Koyama said "すっぽんぽんの人"

I missed out on A LOT of magazine scans from the middle of last year and last night I was going through them all and reading, and I just felt like translating so I did this short bit? :)

I didn't totally purposely wan to leave out the RyoPi questions but 1) I didn't have the page with Yamapi's question and 2) Ryo's question was kinda about NEWS activities and I thought that might be awkward to post now? idk XD; But it's just a small section from a magazine so I didn't think people would mind....

2011, news, yamapi, shige, myojo, massu, ryo, koyama, tegoshi

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