All about Anners

Feb 04, 2007 23:24

I should be passed out in bed right now, but I'm not. I haven't slept too well these past days, I'll just blame it on the new reading light next to my bed. I think I feel a little delirious, it's just mostly this really dry feeling. I did apply moisturizer (waiting for effects to take place).

My mom went upstairs to visit my aunt. We've been getting along famously these days. Last night she tried showing me how to merengue, and I got super embarrassed because there I was... dancing with my mom and my childhood friends. It just felt very funny/embarrassing.

I don't feel like talking today, and I know any second she'll come downstairs and open my room door and ask what I'm doing and start talking. Sorry :(

Lately I only updating about depress modes, so I'll try writing more "positively".
For example, I really like old people. When I get SWEET old people who come in looking for insane things we don't carry, I glady speak to them for half an hour to an hour kindly repeating, "Yes, I'm so sorry we don't carry replacement knobs ^_^"

So now for this cool primary school song I remember:
"Up up with people!
You meet em' wherever you go!
Up up with people!
They're the best kinda folks we know!
If more people were for people then there'd be people everywhere
and there'd be a lot less people to worry about, and a lot more people
who caaaaaaared!"

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