If I had magic powers, I would abuse the hell out of them. Not even on stuff like making me prettier or smarter or whatever, but simply to make my life more convenient. If I could wave a magic wand and just magically have the perfect apartment appear that we are automatically qualified for, then I would do it in a heartbeat. But I don't have a magic wand, just Craigslist.
Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed by Craigslist. There is just so much stuff! And even when you sort it out, and then ignore all the stuff that is clearly a scam, it's just an endless slog...
We don't have to move until the end of August, beginning of September, but I just want it all to be done and over with. I HATE MOVING. I hate packing up my stuff, renting a U-haul, or trying to deal with all the little "extras" that professional movers use to make your simple 1 bedroom move cost like $800. And it's just nerve wracking to fill out applications and hope that whatever magic number of your credit score is, it's good enough on the day you get it run to meet their ridiculous standards.
If I meet your income requirements, and all my past landlords can certify that I have always paid my rent on time, then seriously, what business is it of yours what other bills I have, and how they get paid? If you as the landlord are getting my money on time every month, then stay out of my business and quit nosing around my credit report. I really detest the whole way that credit scores are becoming the be all and end all of determining everything about a person these days, but whatever, that is for another day's rant.
I guess I just feel so pissy about the whole situation too because our landlord just totally seemed to blindside us with the whole move. Like, all along, she has been saying that she wanted something long term, blah blah. Our year long lease ends on 8/14, so we went to her last weekend and suggested doing a 6 month lease--we want a place of our own, but wanted a chance to catch our financial breath and get some savings up since he only just started working in June. And she was like "oh, that won't work, my relative is coming over from the Phillipines and I'd need your room. I can give you an extra month..."
If we hadn't gone to her, when would we have received any notice? On exactly the 30th day before our lease expires? Which is not enough time to save up anything. As it is, we barely have enough time to get what is essentially 3x our current rent together to pay her for the last month, and pay first month's rent and deposit on any new place.
I just want somewhere decently priced, with air conditioning, that has some space so if he is cussing at his video games, I can be in another room reading, or crafting or whatever. I want to be able to leave my towels in the bathroom, and decorate in Hello Kitty, and leave dishes in the sink overnight cause I don't want to wash them without it being the end of the world.