(no subject)

Feb 06, 2005 19:52

well,this week was fun.... i went el shopping at el brookwood mall today.....didnt really get anything.... nothing was on el sale....went to el wet seal, i saw this really cool el pant, but didnt get it....didnt have enough el money to buy it.....after that, we went to el jason's deli....lol this fool was trying to put her left over sandwich in her purse.... lol that was too hilarious!!! after that, we droped ashley off.... and i finally know where's el uptopia at in el cabaha height.... i might have to work there this el weekend.... woohoo.... what a fun stuff.... gotta get the el money.... I gotta write my el 200 words  el essay on this el stupid crap "night" book.....anybody read that el book before???? maybe, give me some idea on what to write???????

Go New England !!!!
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