May 06, 2002 12:57
Ok, so once again, I forgot I had this journal, and when I do rememebr I have it, I am not near a computer to write about my hoppin' life I AM CURRENTLY ON 3 HOURS SLEEP AND HAVE COFFEE IN HAND, SO THIS IS GONNNA BE AN AMUSIN ENTRY...things are going well- the semester is winding down, im lovin teaching, and all the fun things im friends are happy, and they havent killed me yet. so that always good..ive done a lot of random things lately, and if you've spent any time with me you will know what im talking about : taking 5 trips to springfield in one week..hOLLA to my bro bri for makin his confirmation, answering phones, going to the mall a few times,seein mlp and that other band (i forgot the name - something with an L, nickleback, stressin out with megs in town, 3 hours till i wake up!, drivin to springfield and back with zoe in 2 hours, smoothies, southwest nite or not, grayson dorm, surprise phone calls, meetin new boys, getting new kicks-thanx nicky, dunkin donuts, bro/sis day, alumni visitin, md nite, color in the cage, spring concert, wsc drivin, and always teaching....hope ya'll are enjoying the awesome weather! keep smilin' and drop me a line, because that makes me happy, until the next time i remember i have a journal, ciao! much love, A