Title: Cooler Than Me
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: ---
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He could see him on the dance floor. And all he wanted to do was wipe that pretty, little smirk off his face.
Author's Note: I've basically wanted to write this since, like, forever xD So, I hope this isn't so shitty.
Jonghyun eyes ravished the form, the images engraving itself into the back of his mind. The way he danced, his body so lithe yet so charismatic and powerful, was entrancing.
But that's what the problem was.
The way the boy was able to capture Jonghyun's very attention as if there was no one else in the tightly packed room.
Jonghyun hated it with a burning passion because the boy knew he had Jonghyun wrapped around his little finger the moment they made eye contact.
Jonghyun could only watch from his hooded eyelids as he took sips from his alcoholic beverage. He watched as if his life depended it, as if he even blinked, the boy would disappear into the humid air. Jonghyun continued to watch, the hatred growing within. His will power was hanging on a single thread as thin as a spider web. With one simple curl of those lucious lips, Jonghyun had lost it. He jumped form his seat and headed for the sea of bodies, wanting to teach that boy a lesson. But before he was able to get a hold of the boy by the wrist, he disappeared from Jonghyun's sight. At this, Jonghyun's determination grew as he danced his way in.
He shoved his way through, the chase beginning as soon as he stepped onto the multicolored dance floor. He could care less that people were glaring at him; that a sheen of sweat was forming over his tanned skin, making his clothes stick to him in an uncomfortable manner; that countless women-and the occasional guy-tried to dance with him when they all very well knew that he wasn't interested; that the putrid smell of sex, drugs, and alcohol was the only thing he could smell.
Jonghyun really couldn't care because at the moment, he was face to face with the boy. And as he saw him sway his hips and raise his milky arms into the air, Jonghyun had to take him at the moment because fuck, that boy could do wonders with that body. Harshly, Jonghyun grabbed the boy by the fore arm and yanked him towards the main entrance.
"Feisty," the boy whispered into Jonghyun's ear when they had reached Jonghyun's car. He pushed Jonghyun up against the passenger door, grabbing him by the collar and kissing him roughly. The latter growled into the boy's lips, feeling his teeth shudder with the unwanted force. He pushed the boy away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand with disgust.
"Save that for later," Jonghyun growled into the boy's ear before rushing to the other side of the car. The boy pouted with disappointment but obeyed. He knew he shouldn't be going to a random stranger's house. He knew that he shouldn't be with an older man. He knew that something unexpected could happen and the consequences could be fatal. But fuck. That aggressive aura his hyung gave off made his mind go blank and lust overcome every piece of common sense he had as he hopped into the passenger seat.
He's scared, Jonghyun thought at the back of his mind. He would have smirked at the moment but his lips were too preoccupied with biting the boy's neck. The older could feel the boy shaking as he snaked his hands underneath his shirt (Jonghyun wasn't surprised that he had a tight, flat stomach). His fingers danced across the silky flesh, leaving a scorching trail in it's wake.
"W-What's your name?" the boy breathed. Jonghyun cursed at himself inwardly when he felt his pants tighten at the gorgeous moan that followed after the question. He decided to ignore it and continue to devour the boy as they traveled to his bedroom. Immediately after entering his bedroom, Jonghyun threw the boy onto his bed and hovered over him.
No words were transferred to each other. They communicated with each other using the language of lust, their tongues fluent and languid. Unconsciously, Jonghyun's hand roamed to the boy's ample ass and gave it a firm squeeze. And oh God, if that noise wasn't the most erotic thing Jonghyun's heard he didn't know what else to describe it.
But as soon as he felt the boy's trembling hand try to unbuckle his belt, Jonghyun pulled away. He needed to stay focused. Sighing heavily, Jonghyun sat at the edge of the bed, his fingers going up to comb his auburn locks.
"Why-Why did you stop?" the boy stuttered as he propped himself up on his elbows. Instead of rolling his eyes like he wanted to, Jonghyun gave the boy a stern glare, making the boy quiver in fear.
"How old?" Jonghyun asked simply, resting his back against the bed frame. The boy looked at him questioningly seeming lost for a second but he knew very well what his hyung was asking him.
Jonghyun had to scoff at the response, folding his arms across his chest and shaking his head in disappointment.
"You really played me well kid. You knew from the start that I would take you home with me. But did you really think I would have sex with a random stranger? And shit, you're not even legal!" Jonghyun spat. He pitied the boy. Did he really think he could get away with such a daring stunt?
"What's your name kid?" Jonghyun asked, knowing that he had just rudely cut him off. There was no way in Hell that he was going to give that boy a chance to defend himself.
"Kim Kibum..." the boy squeaked, his voice trailing off into a silent hush. Kibum hung his head low, feeling his pride depleting with every passing second as Jonghyun continued to stare at him with disgust.
"But what I don't get is why a kid like you would go to a club knowing very well that people would lust for you," Jonghyun scoffed.
"Shut up! Don't act like you know me!" Kibum barked. Jonghyun was taken aback by the sudden outburst, not expecting the boy to have the courage to speak up for himself.
"You know why I go!? I go for the attention because I'm fucking self-centered like that! I know the things I do drive people crazy! So what if I'm not legal!? I'll do anything to get the attention I want! I just want someone to love me and give me attention!" Kibum screamed. Jonghyun softened his eyes when he saw tears strolling down his dongsaeng's face.
Jonghyun understood.
Slowly, Jonghyun made his way next to Kibum and wrapped him in a secure hug. Kibum could only bury his face in pure shame and embarrassment. Did he really just admit all that to a stranger that he had just met about ten minutes ago? Nonetheless, Kibum continued to bawl, soaking Jonghyun's shirt with salty tears.
"Sh, it's okay Kibum. I'm sorry for being so harsh, but really? Why are you going to look for love at a club? You know that the only type of love you can find there lasts for just one night," Jonghyun hummed, carding Kibum's blonde her between his slender fingers.
"I-I..my boyfriend dumped me two days ago. I just wanted to fall in love and forget about him..." Kibum sobbed. Jonghyun thought it was ridiculous that he would do something so stupid to get rid of love.
"Why don't I help you find someone new?" Jonghyun offered, pulling the boy away to wipe the tears. Kibum stared at him with swollen eyes as a small smile graced his features.
My first fanfic posted on here ^^
But wow.
This was a lot.. worse than I thought it was gonna turn out xD
Crappy fanfic is crappy.
/regrets nothing