
Jun 23, 2012 00:52

Title: Tongue
Pairing: JongKey
Rated: NC-17
Type: Drabble, Crack
Word Count: 754
Summary: Jonghyun is a stupid idiot and Kibum thinks it's true
A/N: I honestly don't know why I wrote this x.x

Kibum moaned fevershly as one of his hands snaked over and threaded themselves into those auburn locks while the other curled around the belt loop of Jonghyun's skinny jeans. Jonghyun bit into the hollow of Kibum's neck, eliciting another spine-chilling mewl from the boy. Kibum could care less about the way he appeared at the moment. All he cared about was Jonghyun and the way those lips worked.

He yanked the older boy up by the collar and smashed their lips together painfully. Jonghyun grunted in pain, furrowing his brows together as the taste of copper filled his lips. Kibum easily slipped his slick tongue into Jonghyun's mouth, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth when he felt Jonghyun's erection rubbing his thigh.

Kibum honestly didn't know how the situation had gotten so heated. He had been cooking in the kitchen, preparing a decent meal for a table of five, when Jonghyun had leisurely strolled in whistling a catchy tune. The boy had asked what the song was called and Jonghyun told him. Then Kibum put down the bottle of soy sauce and Jonghyun grabbed his wrist and this lead to that and before either of them knew it, they had made their way into a make-out session on the couch.

Kibum was enjoying the taste of Jonghyun's lips against his. He could feel every crack and crevice as he turned his head to deepen the kiss. He loved kissing Jognhyun like this. Even though it had started rough, it formed into something more pleasurable. It was slow and sensual and Kibum loved it because he loved the way Jonghyun tasted on his lips. It was kind of like kissing a marshmallow. Kibum's eyes fluttered closed but immediately opened in the next second.

"W-What the fuck?" Kibum snapped as he tore his mouth away from Jonghyun's, his hand instinctively coming up and covering his mouth. He knitted his brows together as he shot a confused glare at Jonghyun. In all of the kisses he and Jonghyun had shared together, Jonghyun had never bit his tongue. Kibum didn't even know if he should call it a bite with the way the older boy practically tore off his tongue. "W-What was that Jonghyun?"

Jonghyun just sat there on the couch staring down at the hands on his lap. He could feel Kibum's intense stare on him burning his ears but he need not dare look at the boy. He knew it was a bad idea from the start but he couldn't help his curiosity get the best of him. He tried to conjure up a decent explanation but it was no use. He glanced up and saw Kibum still looking at him with that irritated look in those feline eyes. Jonghyun gnawed at his lip and tried pouting to weasel his way out of the situation but when Kibum folded his arms over-dramatically on his chest, Jonghyun knew he had no way out.

"Well..." Jonghyun began. A blush crept up on his cheeks as he averted his eyes and focused on the wall behind Kibum's head. His hand moved to the back of his neck, rubbing it bashfully as a shy grin framed his cheekbones. Kibum sighed heavily. He knew he couldn't be mad if Jonghyun was making that face.

"Just tell me why you did it. I won't get mad," Kibum reassured him as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Jonghyun's cheek. Jonghyun smiled, feeling the courage build inside of him now that he was sure that the boy had forgiven him for his action.

"Well," Jonghyun said again, now showing that shit-eating grin that Kibum knew meant trouble. "I was in my room earlier and I was just laying there chewing a piece of gum, right?" Kibum nodded his head slowly, trying to figure out where this conversation was going. "So, yeah. So I kept chewing and chewing and then I suddenly thought of something. I was going to ask you about it but I knew it was going to be stupid so I just decided to whistle just to know if I was right and I was right but then you know how you think you're right but you're actually not so you begin to question yourself and then you want to try something else just t-"

"Jonghyun just get to the damn point!"

"I wanted to know if your tongue was squishy like mine."




"What!? Why are you looking at me like that!?"

"Jonghyun you're an idiot."

!fanfic, nc-17, jongkey

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