Title: Pants (1/2)
Author: hellokeytty
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Focus: Key/Minho
Summary: Minho has always wondered about it. He's never done anything to figure it out. Finally, the questions are solved.
Word Count: 1,882 Words
He was curiuos. Very curious. He wanted to know. He really wanted to know. )
Comments 5
this is hot. and they didnt even do anything yet.. rofl!!
I love this. hell, its minkey.. but still.. its funny to read about minho that way.. I could imagine it perfectly.. rofl..
thank you for sharing and update soon puh-lease.. ^^
*iz a perv*
I can feel it to the core.
This is will definitely be my current Minkey fav. I have a guilty pleasure of key getting ass slapped, especially when he enjoys it kekekekeke. This story is written perfectly, when will you post the second part?
get it on ;3
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