Title: When J.J. Came to Town
this pic from
elfsausage in
picture prompted comment fic memeFandom: Star Trek XI/RPF
Rating: G
Word Count: ~350
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Chris Pike, (fictionalized) J.J. Abrams; mentions of Jim Kirk, Number One, Spock
Summary: AU || Chris Pike gets a couple visits from a young filmmaker; the first goes better than the second.
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of CBS/Paramount/Gene Roddenberry. Also, this is meant to be a completely fictionalized representation of J.J. Abrams. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.
When Starfleet told Chris Pike a filmmaker wanted to meet with him, the captain was understandably uncertain. But orders were orders, so he invited this J.J. Abrams aboard the Enterprise.
J.J. was an young man full of enthusiasm and Chris found himself intrigued by what he wanted to do.
"Biographic fiction!" J.J. called it. "The story of James Tiberius Kirk's early life."
Chris had been a mentor of sorts to young Kirk and, according to the man, his inclusion was integral to the storytelling. So would he please, please agree to have his likeness portrayed?
What the hell? Chris thought. He signed on the dotted line with the caveat that he be given a private screening once the film was completed.
After J.J. disembarked, Chris mostly forgot about the meeting. There was just so much that went into running the Enterprise.
Sixteen months later, J.J. Abrams returned to the Enterprise with the completed film in hand. "Remember, some artistic license was taken," he warned ahead of time. Chris (and any crew also lending their likeness to the story) waved him off.
The lights dimmed and the film began.
A little over two hours later, the lights rose again. Most of the crew were smiling, chuckling or discussing various plot points. Not Chris Pike, though. No, Chris's head was thrown back as he let out loud belly laughs.
J.J. was understandably put out. (He'd worked hard on this film! The actors had all performed wonderfully! Critics gave it good reviews! What could be so funny? He had to know.) "Captain Pike, why--?"
"Jim Kirk-- captain of the Enterprise? Captain of my 'ship?" he choked out, his shoulder shaking. "Hilarious!" Chris wiped a few tears from the corner of his eye.
Frowning, J.J. turned and stalked out. He disembarked shortly after. Strangely enough (or perhaps not), Chris never heard from him again. The film did go on to do quite well across the quadrant, though. No one else saw it as the comedy Chris did but, honestly, with Number One and Spock as his first and second officers, he was used to it.