ALPHABET MEME: B is for Beastly

Feb 08, 2011 09:03

Title: Façade
Prompt: beastly, Zatanna/Batman
Fandom: DC comics
Rating: G
Word Count: 968
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Zatanna Zatara, Bruce Wayne, mentions of Dick Grayson, Tim Drake; hints at Zatanna/Batman
Summary: No matter which of his faces he's wearing, they still manage to gel together. And it's almost enough-- almost.
Disclaimer: Characters ( Read more... )

misc: alphabet meme, pair: bruce wayne/zatanna zatara, char: bruce wayne (batman i), char: zatanna zatara, [comics] batman, [comics] justice league

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Comments 5

zolac_no_miko February 8 2011, 20:07:41 UTC
Ahhhh, you write them both beautifully! Seriously, perfect characterization. And the subtle tension between them is delicious.


hellokatzchen February 15 2011, 08:41:31 UTC
Wow, thank you so much! You've really thrilled me-- it was my first time writing them together and... yes! Thanks! :D


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hellokatzchen February 15 2011, 08:38:48 UTC
Thank you! That's awesome to hear. ^^


teaotter February 14 2011, 20:19:58 UTC
Excellent characterization! I loved the dialog and the tension between them.

psst -- "grizzly" should be "grisly".


hellokatzchen February 15 2011, 08:39:50 UTC
Neat! Thanks so much! :D

And so it is! That'll teach me to go without a beta reader. ;)


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