Meme Ficlets (X-Men)

Sep 04, 2010 00:10

Title: the lady doth protest too much, methinks
Prompt: X-Men: Evolution, #13 (fog)
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~430
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rogue; mentions of Remy LeBeau aka Gambit, Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat, Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler, Scott Summers aka Cyclops, Jean Grey; allusions to Rogue/Gambit and former one-sided Rogue/Cyclops
Continuity: Set sometime after Cajun Spice.
Summary: Rogue deals with the Awesome Pain of her sucky life and being reminded of the annoyance that is Gambit. Because she doesn't like him. Seriously. (Stop hounding her already-- it's the truth!)
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc and Warner Brother's Studio. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

(pimped to evo_works, roguengambit, x_women, xfiction and xmenevolution)

It's so annoying the way the fog reminds her of him. Actually, a frustrating amount of things remind Rogue of that jackass-- seriously, what the fuck subconscious?-- but today it's foggy, so that was the thing she's focusing on today.

Because she doesn't like him. She doesn't. He's an annoying Swamp Rat with a stupid Cajun accent that makes him sound mentally deficient who fancies himself all charming, which he so is not. Not to mention the jerk used her for his own gains. (Doesn't matter that she'd needed it or that he'd apologized or that he'd actually seemed to understand her at least a little bit. Not at all.)

So the fog blows. And also school is lame and Kitty's yammering is seriously annoying (except that it isn't actually that bad most of the time) and Kurt's ridiculously perky attitude sort of makes her want to scratch her eyes out (although she can kind of understand that because he doesn't have to wear his image inducer all the time when it's foggy out and hiding who you are sucks a lot) and..

Wait, wait. She's totally off track here. The point is that she's frustrated because dumb shit is reminding her of Gambit, not relatively content because she has a little brother and best friend and her life isn't total crap anymore. Right. Because she still can't touch anyone and that pretty much trumps everything else because, hello, she can't touch anyone.

And now the weather's against her, too. Because she really doesn't like the fog for all of the aforementioned reasons (but especially because of the stupid Gambit thing). Honest. And she definitely doesn't smile at all ever when she catches sight of the card he'd given her for luck. That'd be just plain dumb. And she's no dumbass.

Right. Jeez and she wonders why nobody people hardly ever buy the loner part of her Goth thing anymore. She's seriously going soft as her teenage years wane. She needs to do something about that asap otherwise people might start trying to hang out with her and stuff and who needs that shit? It's already bad enough that she can't shake Kitty and Kurt.

Only that isn't actually a bad thing, not really. (Even Queen Jean is kind of like whatever now. And that has nothing to do with the the non-crush thing she had on Scott being totally gone now, either-- which is in no way related to Gambit at all because she doesn't like him. It was all just some sort of weird coincidence or something. Seriously. It is.)

Title: Sweet Content
Prompt: Dani/Sam friendship, #14 (drizzle)
Fandom: X-Men comics (New Mutants)
Rating: G
Word Count: 182
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dani Moonstar aka Mirage, Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball
Summary: Nothing like sharing a porch swing with a beer and a good friend. || fanfic100 #21 -- Friends. Also, part of the Chiefly Friends series.
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

(pimped to marvel_fic, newmutants, x_women and xfiction)

[previous one-shot]

Dani had her legs perched on the railing as she rocked lazily in the chair swing hanging on the porch. She had a beer in hand and her eyes were closed as she listened to the drizzle pattering on the various metal surfaces nearby. It was musical, in its way.

It was only when she felt someone sit down beside her that she opened her eyes again. It was, of course, Sam who joined her. He was holding his own beer and settled into a position that mirrored hers. He smiled when he noticed he'd caught her attention. "So."

"Mm-hmm," Dani hummed, smiling softly. She twisted so her feet were resting in his lap (because, with his longer legs, they could swing further-- that was the excuse she was sticking with, anyway) and let out a content sigh.

Sam rolled his eyes but didn't upend her legs. Instead, he slung an arm over the back of the chair and watched the gray drizzle falling. It wasn't a half bad way to end the evening, sitting with his friend and sharing a drink in comfortable silence.

Title: on a stormy afternoon
Prompt: Illyana/Jeb, #3 (thunderstorm)
Fandom: X-Men movie-verse (based on characterization at the Marvel United RPG)
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~600
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Illyana Rasputin aka Magik, Jebediah Guthrie; Magik/Jeb Guthrie
Summary: A thunderstorm makes Illyana wonder what would happen if Jeb was hit by lightning. She thinks she can convince him to let her find out...
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

(pimped to marvel_fic, x_women, xfiction and xmmff)

Illyana was studying with (READ: copying from) Jeb when she heard the first rumblings of a thunderstorm. She knew they were due for one but it was just the distraction she'd been hoping for from the tedium that was homework. (Seriously, even when someone else was doing most of it, it was still boring-- what was up with that?)

Pushing her book aside, she moved to the window and opened the curtains. No lightning was visible yet. Behind her, she could sense Jeb casting a curious look her way. (Well, that and she could see his reflection in the darkened window.)

"You know," she said casually, studying the sky, "there's an ancient Russian folk belief that thunder comes from the Prophet Elijah's chariot as it crosses the sky. Supposedly he flings down lightning bolts to remind us of the Last Judgment." She wrinkled her nose as she turned to face Jeb. "So dumb. I mean, how would they explain Storm's powers?"

Jeb looked torn between agreeing with her (always the right answer) and asserting a different opinion (never the right answer). "Well, I mean... everyone's got their beliefs, right?"

That was diplomatic enough not to count as a full disagreement, so Illyana shrugged. "I guess-- even if those beliefs are wrong." Because, seriously, Storm. Also, some of the demons thought she was a goddess of sorts but did that make it so? Of course not. (Not that she minded their confusion, made them easier to wrangle into doing her bidding.)

The first flash of lightning struck down, momentarily distracting them both. It was only when the sky grew dark again that a thought occurred to her. "Hey, Jeb..." she looked at him in that appraising way no one ever really liked to see from her, "what happens when you're struck with lightning?"

"What?" He looked confused and a little wary.

Illyana smiled in what she thought was probably a disarming way. (Maybe. If it wasn't evil. She did evil a lot easier than disarming.) "Well, I mean, your powers involve electricity, right? And lightning's like a burst of electricity." Er, at least she thought that was it. Something like that, anyway. It probably wasn't too important.

Now Jeb looked downright worried. "Um..."

But Illyana was already moving. She grabbed his hand and tugged him into a standing position. "Come on, let's go get wet." He didn't object outright but dug his heels in a little, so she looked at him through her lashes in a way she'd seen Emma do before. "Come on, just a little run in the rain. It'll be fun!" She did not blush when she added, "And then afterward you can warm me back up." Really. Because she wasn't the sort of person who blushed-- ever. So that seriously wasn't happening here.

Jeb was still wearing a stubbornly reluctant expression on his face, but he let himself be pulled along all the same. Personally Illyana thought it'd be brilliant; he'd probably be super powerful! (Or maybe get burned but, hey, they had a few doctors hanging around in case that happened and she could teleport him to them lickety split, so no worries.)

And the part after when they got dry and warm again, that probably wouldn't suck, either. (Assuming Jeb didn't have the aforementioned possible bad reaction to playing with lightning.) It didn't occur to Illyana until after they were already soaked that her shirt was light and her bra not so much but, at that point, there was nothing to be done for it. So she just laughed and pretended that'd been part of the plan all along.

char: kitty pryde (shadowcat), char: jebediah "jeb" guthrie, char: kurt wagner (nightcrawler), misc: gift!fic, pair: rogue/remy lebeau, [films] x-men, [cartoon] x-men: evolution, char: dani moonstar (mirage), char: sam guthrie (cannonball), misc: fanfic100, pair: illyana rasputin/jeb guthrie, char: rogue, char: remy lebeau (gambit), pair: rogue/scott summers, char: illyana rasputin (magik), [comics] new mutants, [comics] x-men, series: chiefly friends, misc: prompt fill

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