Apr 22, 2007 21:28
well, it's been quite the weekend... i'm exhausted...
friday... managed to find my way out of my rut, so that was a good thing... icantori rehearsal went well... cory needed some piano time afterwards to unwind, so we hung out in a practice room for an hour... played the piano for him and a lot was shared in the security of that padded room, and it was nice to know that he trusts me that much to share his thoughts...
rehearsal... helped set up risers, stage extensions, and bell tables... joked around a lot during the rehearsal with cara... in charge of interactions, so laurie, anita, yvonne, and josh helped out... fell asleep in the fireside room during vespers, and interactions went well... andy and marla came by to help as well, and our nacho night went well, save the fact that we wasted an entire pot of nacho cheese... a table of people asked me if i got paid for running interactions, and when i said it was volunteer, they said that i just earned another jewel on my crown... nice to know that they appreciate what we do...
early sabbath morning... made a couple of wake up stops, and headed down for first service... service went well... ended up helping heidi set up the breakfast like a good filipino (unlike unhelpful krissy, haha)... got picked on by megan, stood up for by cory, violated by jordan (me: "why are you staring at my crotch?" jordan: [referring to stole] "well, there's a red thing coming out"), and saddened by janer and kara (they came to vespers just to hear BAQ sing, but since we were cancelled last minute, it didn't happen ::shakes fists at justin::)... second service went well too... flying screws out of tim's bell, nearly having a heart attack when everyone in choir stood up to go back on stage when i fell asleep during the sermon...
had lunch with jeanne, nadia, darrin, and andy... i've been helping out with some ideas for tour, since nadia and jeanne seem to be planning the majority of the tour... joy called me last minute to help set up for orchestra, so i went down early for that to help jaylene set up... afternoon concert went well... listening to darrin's imitations of dr case, bells playing awesomely, and icantori singing from the balcony... that was a great performance... afterwards, broke down bell tables, and talked to darrin and bill... darrin has an interesting theory about teachers not knowing how to deal with my abilities, and whether or not they should nurture them or be threatened... bill told me about his composing endeavors, which was an interesting listen... didn't do much saturday night, except have a late night curry dinner with bryce and han...
sunday... did all my homework early, to get it out of the way... had brunch with andy, dale, joined by cory, josh, and yvonne eventually... practiced a bit, then killed time until we had to get down to st helena presbyterian church for our concert... drove cory, darrin, and andy down... both carrides seemed to be a girl-venting time... got there pretty early and debated a giugni dash, but darrin convinced us against it... we practiced a bit (mrs rasmussen actually stood up to mr rasmussen, which was nice for a change), then had half an hour before the concert... cory and i made a mad dash in the pouring rain to my car to pick up quick food from sunshine foods, since we were both starving... grabbed a pastrami sandwich on sourdough to satisfy the hunger...
concert... definitely our best concert yet... great acoustics, we were working well as a group... i couldn't bare to look at the faces of some of the congregation b/c so many of them were in tears, especially this one emotional old man in green, who was crying nonstop... i was getting really emotional as well, and forced myself to look at the other members of the choir to prevent myself from crying... afterwards, i shared my wind ensemble/bell dilemma with the table, since i can't make up my mind... also made some math plans next year with jordan and andy, and listened to darrin's future plans as well...
drove back up the hill, talked to jordan online (since we haven't had enough of each other in the past week... geez, haha!), and here i am now... my head's spinning... i'm tired... here's to another week... at least i can somewhat relax...