the cello...

Jan 24, 2007 22:35

someone told me around new years that you shouldn't say out loud what your resolutions are, b/c you might jinx yourself and mess up... you pretty much doom yourself to failure...

i thought that was a load of hookey... the two resolutions i wrote down and verbally announced were the cutting of soda and bottled drinks from my diet, and to read my one-year Bible daily... so far, i've been successful at both... i'm under on my caf card b/c of my lack of bottled drinks, and i've managed to start each day with my Bible... it also helps to know that i have a friend doing the same thing, right along with me... i need to check up on her, to see if it's still something she's keeping up with...

what i haven't been successful at, however, was one of my unspoken resolutions... maybe it's b/c i'm the type of guy that needs to see something on paper, to see it as a legally binding document; as something that i can try to stick to, and achieve... and that's my decision to try to be less negative...

i dunno... i've found reasons to justify myself, in a lot of the things i've said... i won't pull things out of my butt, without valid reason... at least i'm being legalistic about it, right...? but still, thinking negatively has polluted my view on life as of late, and not only does it cloud my perceptions and judgment, but makes others see me as some pessimistic fool, that has nothing nice to say...

but i do have nice things to say... but i have a complex against being so nice, that it's almost fake... after all, i wrote an entry about the art of complimenting... it seems like being nice all the time has its downsides too...

this week's been awesome... and i've generally been happy... and b/c of that, i'm less stressed... but that doesn't mean that i'm allowed to have my down days, and be pissy, and hate the world...

so i'm not perfect... i guess i'll just try to do a better job at making sure that i keep a balanced head, and hopefully, certain people don't just see me in one light... i wanna be real with people, in both a positive and negative way... that way, they know that i'm merely human, and in the same boat as them... it's just the realist in me, with enough life experience to sit in an armchair and reminisce, or complain... that's what makes me, me...

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i think God's proven his sense of humor to my eyes this week... andy's been on this roller coaster mindset about his decision of whether or not to run for RVP next year... he's come to me several times, just to throw verbal contemplations my way... frankly, it's a hard decision, and i told him to talk to all the necessary people, to see if it's something that he can accomplish... i also told him not to shut any doors prematurely, before God can intervene... he made a list of people he needed to talk to: pastor ice, dr waters, and chris duckett... the chaplain on campus, a math professor he looks up to, and the RVP of last year... and i pounded my fist, telling him to go email chris right away...

talk about signs... today, when we walked out of i cantori, who surprises us in the distance, but chris duckett! my old roommate, who's living up in washington with chandra... how the heck could he possibly be in the area at this time? i couldn't help but look at andy, and say "now if that isn't your sign, i don't know what is..." and we laughed to ourselves, b/c of the humorous ways He decides to intervene in our lives...

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in bells today, i was in hyper mode, which results in insulting humor directed towards other members of our group... it's part of my complete package... i make fun of people i love, knowing that they know it's a joke, and knowing that i honestly do not mean the horrible things i say... mrs rasmussen doesn't see it that way, though, and had to forcefully tell me that she doesn't like it... i think she believes that one day, i might hurt someone's feelings, and i understand that she's looking out for my future... but maybe i'll just have to wait until that day... my crude humor's just another characteristic of mine, that i actually find somewhat charming of myself... it's one of my defining factors! i would never throw an insult at anyone, with any possibility of it being misconstrued as an actual stab at someone...

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okay, switching out of contemplation mode...

nothing really noteworthy about yesterday, other than a couple of things...
*lunch outside with ryan, heidi, darrin, marla, yvonne, and andy, with andy spilling water on the table, resulting in heidi putting her laptop on the "top of her lap..." i had a field day with that one, haha!
*jordan, tim, and i taking a field trip to student services, and swiping some candy...
*tim saying that he was gonna go to the bathroom, and get his cello... but i translated that as "go to the bathroom to get his cello..." so i HAD to crack a joke about why he had to get it from within the bathroom, which couldn't stay contained... let's just say that it involves the passing of a certain wooden instrument out of one's anal orifice... =P tim ran after me with his nalgene bottle, ready to hit at any time...
*yvonne sharing with me over dinner, her frustrations about the weekend... turns out she really wants the best for "her guys," since we all deserve a good future...
*orchestra moments with jonny and kaitlyn... man, orchestra's always a laugh, especially when the three of us can't count measures, and laugh at each other for it...
*andy and his confusion... talked about it for a while...
*a game of settlers with josh and andy... josh won, but i had a pretty good game... maybe b/c cutthroat cory wasn't playing, haha! he's not cutthroat; just very, direct... (2 wins, 14 losses)

*i was totally inspired today by a symphony of mozart that i've already decided on a topic for my music history paper: an analysis of mozart's "jupiter" symphony, taking into account borrowed ideas, thematic variation, compositional tools, and his genius... it's also going to be a discussion about the techniques used in some of his later symphonies, when the art form began to develop... i'm stoked!
*decided to ditch wind ensemble, since i needed to see my friends in i cantori... the difference this year with music, deals with what drove me to that noon practice hour... with wind ensemble, i went for the music, for doc, and for those few faces i enjoyed; there's very little interaction time with friends, so the focus truly is on the music... with i cantori, i go b/c i get to spend time with those i'm close with... the music's wonderful too, but the friendships are what makes that group worth attending...
*being "the smart one" in counterpoint, catching a cadence point with hocket that professor raboy missed... it became my nerdy "teacher's pet" moment...
*taking a "walk" with megan, which ended up being an exploration of chan shun third floor, and a conversation with bill and ivy clark about choir...
*student teaching orientation... AHH! after coming from that meeting, it's really dawned on me that this future's for real... that i'm gonna be teaching next year!
*talking to mrs murphy, the lady in charge of student teaching placement... turns out that she was on the board of hiring at PUCE and foothills, and they really did want me to teach last year! discussed with her my future goals with teaching...
*paulin hangout time with jordan, josh, matt, yvonne, and marla... crude humor, STD tape, organizing the table, acting gay, yvonne pretending she was a korean girl from a disclosed high school... basically being choir nerds, for being there to listen to the high schoolers...

settlers, thoughts

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