Sep 15, 2006 21:21
just got back from the pathfinder camporee... didn't get to update on friday, so i guess i'm just a few days late (sorry marisa that you didn't have any reading material on the story of my sad life, but here it is, a few days late, haha!)...
ate out on saturday for matthew's birthday at gourmet 88... we totally killed that food! not a single morsel was left on the table... afterwards, spent the usual day at church, practicing with the church choir, messing around with quartets with val, pam, and jason, cracking up listening to edrey attempt to sing tenor... ended up eating dinner at church, playing the hand slap game with nikki/emily/cece/alyssa/jason, and just chatting...
sunday night, i had a nice, overdue chat with marisa... more like a night of intense conversation... ended up lasting five hours... the second time i signed in on AIM this whole summer... basically came to the conclusion that marisa is the "female incarnation" of me, being that we are of one mind on a lot of things... in fact, it was like i was talking to myself, haha! music, friends, religion, relationships, destiny, needs, God... the works...
monday night, i got to have yet another infamous CT scan... they're really updated the technology since my first set six years ago... before, they had me drinking two bottles of chalky barium sulfate, which induced my gag reflex every single time i drank it, even after i plugged my nose to minimize the taste... one time, i've actually had to reforce it down, after i almost threw it up... now, they give us a refrigerated "banana smoothie" which actually tastes like banana, somewhat, even though i could still taste the chalky mixture there... also, the nurse giving me my IV only had to stick me twice, after one miss... normally it takes a nurse 4-7 tries... not bad...
only spent two days at GAA this week... still had a lot to do... i learned that my mallet student, asia, played better without me playing with her, forcing her to learn how to read the music, rather than imitate my playing... got to help the percussionists as well, learn a couple of little tricks to keep up with offbeats, which they got a kick out of... also helped walk mr mohr through a problem he's been having... him, mrs mohr, and i talked about it for a while, and hopefully the situation works out...
spent a day out with aloyce on wednesday... haven't seen her all summer! of course, since i am the hermit i am, that's how things are... always glad to see her... we had lunch at CPK, ran into james/kirby/rene/silva there... the two of us then headed back to my house, and i decided to introduce her to avatar...
thursday, after a surprise visit to the doctor, which my mom failed to mention beforehand, had a mini-GAA reunion of sorts... went to jewel city bowl with andy/enjoli/david/jill/aloyce/angela/sergeh/rene/silva... was good to see some people that i haven't seen in a while... wasn't in a particularly good mood at first, because of the doctor's appointment, but it turned out okay... had a random sit-down dinner with jill, since the bowling alley failed to inform us that outside food wasn't allowed... caught up on a few things: life, people, work... ended up bowling, and getting an abysmal score... geez, probably the worst score i've ever gotten... afterwards, we had dinner at shaker's, had some really good cheese blintzes accompanied by good conversation... don't worry david, we all forgive you for believing that Jesus isn't gonna come, since the rest of us so firmly believe in it, haha!
ehh, i'll write about the camping trip in its own entry... so there i go!