Title: Summit of Feelings, Pit of Nostalgia
Pairing: Ayukawa Taiyou/Kumai Yurina
Rating: ;____;
Summary: somewhere in our hearts, there still laid a small spark of the simple happiness we locked up together in our treasure box of memories. it's gathered dust, but the key's still hanging on the edge of our feelings.
A/N: Overused commas. I know, stfu. Still on Writer's Block, but miraculously Ogawa Mana ~inspired~ me to write fic 8Db
I don't remember when, but there was a time that I decided to stop checking my cellphone to see if he replied to any of my mails, to stop waiting all day on rainy days by the bus stop we both took every day on the way to school when rain poured, to stop looking around the train when it's crowded." )