Title: Amai Sweetheart Kabocha
Pairing: Nakajima Yuto/Suzuki Airi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yuto gets a drama. Airi gets a drama. They get a drama. Idek.
A/N: LOL MULTI-CHAPTER. Continuation of a drabble that I wrote some time ago lol. I was not thinking when I wrote this. And wtf this thing is so long it’s 5500+ words lol idek how that happened. Written while I had no internet and was not in the mood to make OPV/Trailer. So, um- YAY NO MORE WRITER’S BLOCK♥ But, boo for writing this raw in MS Word lol. This is for all those Aiyuu shippers out there, because you guys are going to freak out like crazy.
'Well, the title’s the only disadvantage.' )