LOVES and HATES for 03-06-06

Mar 06, 2006 10:42


* I had a swell time being part of the auditions staff for this year's Southeastern Theatre Conference, which was held in Orlando at the Wyndham Hotel (which is MASSIVE) on I-Drive.  The most exciting part is that I will be a member of the auditions staff for year's to come, as the auditions director was very impressed with my work and has asked me to join them for the fall conference and the spring conference next year--which is in Atlanta!

* While at SETC, there was a reunion of sorts with a lot of fabulous SMT people.  I'm not going to try to name everyone I got to see, as I'm sure I will forget someone--and I know how bad that can be!

* As a member of the SETC auditions staff, I got to see a LOT of people audition (around 800 people).  However, I got to see John West give the best audition I've ever seen (an audition that the casting staff from all the companies APPLAUDED--the ONLY one!), as well as really wonderful work from Katrina Williams, Wesley Miller, Amanda Wansa, and through a wall, I got to hear the wonderful work of Laura Hodos.

* Also, I finally got to hear Anne Hering sing.  During her audition, she sang "I Never Do Anything Twice" by Stephen Sondheim.  It was pretty fantastic.  That, matched with a marvelous monologue from A Day in the Death of Joe Egg was splendid.

* Today is my best friend's (Steve MacKinnon) birthday.  I have to say that I love him even more this week after giving my friend Lisa and I to crash for a week and a half.  It's true friends indeed that come through for you when they are needed the most.  His production of Grease opens at Theatre Downtown this week, as does 42nd Street at the Starlight Theatre, which he is musical directing.  Please support him!

* I'm LOVING living in a world where Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Weisz, Reese Witherspoon, and Ang Lee have Academy Awards.


* I hate pleated pants.

* I hate that cute gay boys at SETC who should know better wore pleated pants.

* I hate that Crash somehow won Best Picture even when Ang Lee was named Best Director.  I never understand when the Best Director is not from the Best Picture.

* I hate Bike Week.

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