Dec 21, 2005 12:56
Colored lights or white lights?
As a child, I always INSISTED on the use of colored lights in all Christmas decorations. However, as I have grown older (considerably), I have discovered the true beauty of the use of white lights. Now, I would have to say I prefer them.
What is your least favorite thing about the holidays?
This year it has been those crazy religious groups and their boycotting of stores using "Happy Holidays" as their greeting rather than "Merry Christmas." Don't these freaks realize that Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated between November and January. Kwanzaa? Chanukah? New Year's? MY BIRTHDAY? Come on, people, find something better to do--like rejoice in your OWN chosen holiday rather than forcing your ideas and beliefs down the throats of others?
What is the one thing that you would like to see under the tree this year?
Well, interestingly enough, I'd love to see laptop under the Christmas tree this year--but seeing as I forgot to sit on Santa's lap this year, I didn't tell anyone i wanted it--so if it's actually there, I think I'll flip out.
What is your favorite thing to do/build in the snow?
Oh my goodness, I have to say that when the snow is thick enough to do so, sleigh riding really is a BLAST!
What is your favorite holiday smell?
My mom's cookies. YUM!
Who is your favorite reindeer?
Well, in accordance with a recent MySpace quiz I took, I AM Dancer. So, Dancer is my favorite reindeer.
What is your Christmas Eve ritual?
It has really varied over the years. As a child, I spent every other Christmas with my father in New Jersey while the years in between I spent with my mom here in Florida. Interestingly enough, we've never had a set Christmas Eve ritual in either place. I guess I like the spontanaeity of it, though. My grandmother and I used to attend Midnight Mass regularly when I was younger. As much as I doubt the Catholic religion these days (or any religion for that matter), they sure do put on a pretty service for the holidays.
Are you a Friday after Thanksgiving shopper?
I used to be. I don't know why I found it exciting.
What is your favorite holiday food?
My favorite food remains the favorite food whether it's Easter, Halloween, Christmas, or Veteran's Day. Mashed Potatoes.
How did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
I remember it vividly, and I laugh my ass off everytime I think of it. In fact, on Thanksgiving, I recounted the story to all present, and they too were very amused. Now, it may seem like a cruel way to learn the truth, but I'm telling you, I deserved it, and have no psychological problems related to this event. I was sitting next to the Christmas tree examining the gifts already beneath it. I wanted to see just how many I was getting, because as a child it wasn't really what was in the box that counted, it was how many boxes I got. Well, I noticed that there was a gift to Matt from Santa already under the tree. And I have to say I was mighty confused. My mother was busily working on household chores, so when I interrupted with the question "Mom, why is there a gift from Santa already? It's not Christmas yet." She angrily turned from whatever she was doing and said "Because I'm fucking Santa Claus, and there is no Easter Bunny either." (Door Slam.) That's what I get for counting my presents.
Who do you want to be under the mistletoe with?
There are actually quite a few I wouldn't mind being under the mistletoe with--in fact, some would probably surprise you. Therefore, I plead the fifth.
Do you spend Christmas with a lot of family?
Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Do you still make snowmen and snow angels?
If only Florida allowed such a wonderful thing as snow.
Do you still have snow ball fights?
I haven't had one in years. In fact, the last snow ball fight I remember having was one winter up in Jersey when my sister and I were shoveling the driveway and we got little accomplished because we were having a snow ball fight. Good times.
What's your favorite Christmas movie?
Oh, that's easy. It's A Wonderful Life will always be my favorite Christmas movie. Although, I am also quite the fan of Love Actually.
What do you plan to do for New Year's Eve?
Last year, I went dancing and drinking at the Groove and had a great time. They released a ton of balloons with prizes inside of them at midnight, and I won a free drink. Hell, it's all I really needed.
What's the most expensive thing you've gotten for Christmas?
I don't even know. I've gotten lots of expensive gifts over the years.
How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
Whenever I hear hustling and bustling about outside my room. Hopefully it's not too early.
What was the best gift you ever got as a kid?
Another fantastic story. One year, my stepmother e-mailed me asking me what I wanted for Christmas--and it was the year Audra MacDonald was going to be playing in her latest show, Michael John LaChiusa's Marie Christine at the same time I was going to be in NJ for the holidays. So, that was my Christmas wish. And I asked for it. And my stepmother sent me a long e-mail response saying that getting a ticket to a show was going to be difficult that year cause Dad's work schedule was so hectic, and it would be impossible to pick a night when he would be able to go, and so if there was anything else I would like, I should let her know. So, I was disappointed and sent her a list of odds and ends that I wouldn't mind having. Fast forward to Christmas morning, and we're all enjoying opening our wonderful presents. I was handed a large box from underneath the Christmas tree. It was light. Really light for such a big box. And I opened it to discover a WHOLE ton of tissue paper. Haha, Dad, very funny. Tissue paper for Christmas. But, I kept digging. And there it was at the very bottom. A ticket to Marie Christine. The look on my face had to be of total shock, because both my dad and stepmom burst out laughing and said "Gotcha!" So, a few nights later, me, my stepmom, and my grandmother (Dad really did have to work) ventured into NYC to see Audra MacDonald fiercely sing her way through a show that has become one of my favorites. And it was the best Christmas present ever because I totally wasn't expecting it.