(no subject)

Aug 12, 2004 15:24

heres how my lovely day was:

Pd 6: Got seating chart and took some test thing. I told everyone i wanted to be stranded on an island with lauren, mike, stick boy (they wanted an explaination but i wouldnt give them one), charlie, alannah, dree, angela, chris k, chris w, sonny, shane, chris and all of the other cool 'mofos'. ms zahara found that entertaining.

Pd 7: Senior dude Matt slapped my ass. i am not kidding. went to an assembaly and i actually sat by some cool fuckers this time. it was boring. bianca threw a gum wrapper at dustin and he thought it was shawn so he tried to throw it at shawn but it hit sonny and me, bianca, and lauren were trying not to laugh the whole time. it was fun

Pd 8: Lunch. Walked around with Lauren, Shawn, Steven, Sonny, and Casey. then dj and tyler made us go outside with them and yeah....we went back in. then i dont know.

Pd 9: French! that tom kid is ok. i think he was at least trying to talk to us (Ethan, Lauren, that wierd girl, and me). i dont know what lauren is talking about but tom passed me the papers when he got them...maybe he just doesnt like her...dun dun duuuuuun. blake wasnt there either.

Pd 10: i honestly hate pe. and we havent even done anything physical yet. i wanna switch outta that class but i need at least one credit. it was so fuckin boring.

After School: i decide to walk to the car (at circle k) and wait for david. IT TAKES HIM 30 FUCKIN MINUTES CUZ HE finally DECIDED TO GET A PARKING PASS!!! errrrrrrrrrr!!! its too hot outside for that!!!!!! so me and wendy went to circle k and when we went back outside, her brother and his friends got there so she left. and i had to wait...alone...for 30 minutes...it sucked...at least he has a parking pass now.

and now im bored. lauren said that she and mike are gonna call but im talkin to kelsi.
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