princess leia where are you tonight

May 21, 2005 23:52

yeah so i havent updated for real in w hile, and this probably won't take long...summer has been alright, the first couple of days though ive just been watching jake and not hanging out with the people i wanna hang out with, ig uess i missed an interesting night last night...manda is in vegas and my rents are puerto rico, theyre coming home tommorrow though so it should all be good...and monday night chilis is well, monday so that should be aweomse because i havent seen those kids in a long long long long time and it will be funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...btw lindsay lohan looks ridiculously miserable and anorexic its sad, cuz usually she is pretty hot, just not tonight...
alright im gonna continue watching snl
later days
ps. star wars was good
portman had to die, sucked
but the emperor and vader and grievous were wicked badass
the only good acting was done by mcgregor, which was sad because the movie had so much promise
it made me wanna watch a new hope though, which i need to see

alright im really gone now
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