C-ute fanfic #2 ( Our Leader-chan ) [ONESHOT]

Feb 09, 2011 11:06

      "Dance instructor-san will kill me, seriously" Maimi said to herself as she looked at her watch. they are late. again. for their dance practice. geez. they always late last week, she talked to them already,, telling them to be on time. But it seems like they don't listen. Maimi got scolded last time because of the others. she didn't mind it, since it's the consequence of being a leader. 
     "geez, where are they? dance instructor-san would be here anytime now." she pouted. she's worried, not only about she,, being scolded,, but about their dance lesson.
     "Maimi." she heard a voice behind her. she gulped.
     "Ma-manager san. hehee, what's up?" she tried to smile, but it's a fail.
     "Someone told me that everyone always show up late in dance practices. is it right?"
     "Y-yes. I told them to be on time already, demo.." she don't know what to say anymore.
     "Try to talk to them again, okay? If your dance practices always like this, I'm afraid you guys will mess up on concert and PV makings." manager-san patted her shoulder. "I talked to Dance instructor san already, at least she wouldn't scold you this time"
     "Hai, thank you very much" Maimi smiled. their manager walked away. she sighed.she HAVE to stop this. But she don't know how. Dance instructor san walked in into the practice room. she sit down in the corner and wait.
    "I'm so sorry, dance instructor san,, for the delay"
    "hmm." she nodded. Maimi sighed. some minutes passed. 15 minutes after that, she heard her friends running into the practice room.
    "Sumimasen! sorry, we are late!" They bowed. dance instructor-san sighed.
    "that's fine. don't do it again. now let's start our lesson.." she said. the girls nodded.

    "Ne, minna san" Maimi called her friends while she's walking towards them.
    "Nani, Maimi chan?" Nakki asked her. everyone looked at her, waiting for her respond.
    "etto.. I told you guys to show up on time. why you guys are always late?" she asked softly. the girls looked at each others.
    "uuh.. sorry,, we promise we wouldn't do it anymore,, ne, minna?" Chisa looked at the others, asking for agreement. the others nodded.
    "we promised." they said together. Maimi tried to smile. at least they promised. she know her friends. Once they've promised,, They will try their best to fulfill it.
    "ne minna, let's eat dinner together!~" Airi said.
    "great idea!!~ lets $%^&*()((*&^%#$%^&*(" Mai nodded in agreement.
    "$&^&&*(&(#)$&*#$&@#*(@* gyaa kyaa haha"
    "^*(&*^*&^(^*& gyaaa *&*%(^$^&*(_)(*&%^&$&^&%^$$^&*(_)(( hahaha"
Maimi smiled. they're always noisy like that. She love her friends,, everyone. she love C-ute. well, it's okay if dance instructor san scolded her again,, she's fine with that.
    "Come on Maimi~!" Airi called her.
    "Haaai, I'm coming!!" she giggled and run towards her friends.

Nakki, Airi, Chisato and Mai are busy,, preparing a surprise for Maimi. They knew Dance instructor san scolded her because of them. Feeling guilty,, they decided to make a surprise for their lovely leader. They wanted to re-decorate their practice room. they brought pillows, paintings, food, drink, video games,, anything that can make their practice room comfortable for them.
     "I think we should put this one over here!" Mai said to Chisa
     "No, It'll be strange! I think we should put it over there! It's better!" Chisa disagree with Mai
     "Noooo over hereeee!"
     "Over thereeee!"
     "ssshh minna! she will hear us!" Nakki remind them
     "Nakki is right guys. Calm do.. UWAAAA! " Airi slipped. Nakki wants to help her,, But she slipped too. Both of them laughed. they ignored Chisa and Mai.
     "Hey, Nakki,, I think this will be better if we put it over there ne"
     "no, here's better"
     "but I think..."
     "Hey minna! pillow waaar!~" Chisa throw a pillow to Airi and Nakki
     "uwaaaa that's unfair!"
     "we will win ne Nakki?! come on!"
     "uwaaa ruuun~!" Mai and Chisa laughed.
Maimi peeked from the door and giggled. She smiled. She really loves them,, all of them :)

Hello! I'm Yajima Maimi! I'm the leader of °C-ute! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!

OWARI!!~ ♥

suzuki airi, °C-ute, yajima maimi, hagiwara mai, friendship, chisato okai, oneshot, nakajima saki, fanfiction

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