It appears that I have been… improperly Shanghai’d.
I assure you, there has been some sort of grave mistake, and if you return me to my proper place no charges will be pressed - I am something of an asset to solving mysteries, and absolutely rubbish at performing manual labor.
[He clears his throat, and there is a long silence as Holmes takes in
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Since you've already been answered in regards to the captain, I'll forgo addressing that point. You have my curiosity, though. What do you mean by "solving mysteries?"
Phoenix, Captain of the airship, the Phantom Blade, likewise at your service.
Hmm... I don't think I've ever met anyone who claimed that as their profession. Is it a hobby, or is that how you actually make your living?
It's a living - though I must admit, I find boxing to be lucrative on occasion.
An airship, you say? Last I heard there was only a patent for the zeppelin.
My ship is not a zeppelin. Its construction is vastly superior, with both eco engines and sails to guide and propel it, shielding to protect it from enemy attack, and a capability for speeds and maneuverability far beyond anything a zeppelin ever dreamed.
[Yes, someone is quite proud of their ship.]
Propelled by engines, shielded... are you saying that gliders have been outfitted for aerial combat and acrobatics?
No, I said airship. The Phantom Blade is more similar in design to a nautical vessel, a galleon in specific, with many modifications. It relies more on eco than on aerodynamics to keep it aloft. But yes, it is quite capable of aerial combat and maneuvers.
[He pauses, but his curiosity now is too strong.]
What year is it, if you don't mind my asking?
The year is eighteen ninety-one.
Now, this eco...
[That makes absolutely no sense - except in the context of an entirely different world. Damn it.]
Eco is the energy the Makers used to shape my world. There are four basic types that can be harnessed for different effects, and two others that are more difficult to deal with.
[He could go into more detail than that, but he doubts Holmes will be interested in the properties of energy on a world that is not his.]
You are not Aeropan, are you.
[It's not really a question. Phoenix is somewhat disappointed.]
Tell me; "world" is a turn of phrase most common to describe residence in this place. Now, would I be a fool in assuming this to be the 'Old World' versus the 'New World' connotation?
Actually, I am using the term to mean entirely different planets, planets different enough from each other that what one would assume to be the natural laws of physics do not necessarily apply.
[He says this very seriously, Holmes. He honestly believes what he's saying.]
Would you care to indulge my curiosity further, or do you have previous engagements?
The full mythology surrounding this place would be a decent start.
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