Apr 10, 2010 14:14
I have been observing recent events unfold with a most curious eye; I must say, the… shipwide network here makes finding facts and gossip so much easier.
[Welcome to the Baker Street M.S. Elegante Irregulars, everybody.]
However, in the wake of recent casualties, I do have some helpful commentary for those of you wishing to pursue this curious little case.
The voice we began hearing collectively at approximately four o’clock on what I presume we all consider last Tuesday? Though the exact day and year are beyond both you and I at this moment, I figure it an acceptable alternative standard of measurement for the time being.
But I digress.
At first, she echoed through the corridors as a whisper; and while pleas for aide from a damsel in distress would stir the most frigid of hearts into action, there was a curious aspect to this. Down every hall, every corridor - not diminishing, there goes… a whisper. Anyone with even a basic intuitive grasp on the mechanics of sound would know the queer nature of this.
Furthermore; soliciting help, though not elaborating? When clearly our subject must have it in their power to explain their predicament. After all, if a whisper can reach all ears, why would it only plead “help, help” and nothing more?
A lure.
An obvious fact that had not gone unnoticed and a concern that had not gone unvoiced, and that was… most intuitive of some of you.
[And perhaps it was a situation that was meant to be chilling, but for Holmes? It was delightfully macabre. If something like this didn’t pique his interest, then nothing would.]
Although, some of you saw fit to seek out the source. Spectacular, Spectacular, as the floorplans of the ship have so Christened the theatre; eyewitness accounts proving to be most bizarre. Had I not had the fortune of meeting a living machine, the prospect of a living theatre would have been absolutely preposterous to me; however, there hasn’t been enough done in way of gathering the facts to make this entirely credible, and to baselessly spout theories would be unwise lest you only search for the details that would fit them.
We were given a dangerous hint - as it is within the ego of the challenger to taunt those challenged, I find. Nirvana, and I think we have all safely assumed it not to be in reference into the “contemporary” musician, but what deck nine has to offer.
[That’s an obvious one right there, but you can probably hear the grin in his voice for making a reference to something modern. Kurt Cobain is modern, right?]
For those of you visiting Nirvana, I bid you keep in mind the deadly circumstances the perpetrator has placed upon the scenario, and I wish you bon chance.
[…Oh for the love of god someone solicit his help on this one, he is dying of interest over here.]
…For those of you that I haven’t acquainted myself with as of yet, allow me to introduce myself.
Sherlock Holmes, at your service.
[COME ONNNNNNN. He is literally like a minute away from inventing his own damn excuse to tag along and shoving it in everybody else’s fucking faces.]