Eclare Gifspam Part Two

Aug 02, 2010 00:39

Image heavy. Um, yeah. So that's possibly... It could maybe crash your
computer. Or something. The GIFs in this one are
different, I promise.

Hotlinking is bad. Etc.

"Missed ya last night. Was Twilight on TV?"
Cannot get over this boy, seriously.

I kind of really love how grabby he is, tbh.
I can't help it.

Had to GIF this. IDEK why.

This, too. It's... IDK, it's kind of
like he's challenging her.

This is super cute, and actually reminds me
of the teenager from Uncle Buck, um.

I find that I often make typos when naming things, so pretend
that says "chance" instead of "change." If you,
uh, save it or anything. Yeah.
Because I had to re-upload, I fixed it.

Basically, I was GIFing all of these scenes because
I really didn't want to spam them, but then
I kind of did it anyway, so.

See above.

IDK what to say to this one, except
he seems to really say "Prove it" a lot, and
I'm curious if that's going to be a recurring
factor in their relationship.

I love his facial expressions, tbh. But I've
said this before, I think. xD

lol Clare

I found this really cute. She sounds so small
when she says it, IDK.

I GIF'd this because her hair is cute and
bouncy. I kind of really want her hair.

I think he feels kinda bad now :\

Okay, so... I made a lot of GIFs of him doing things
with his car door. Opening it, closing it. Getting in the car,
etc. I can't help myself. That is a hearse.

Seriously, his face. The way he talks. The
hand motions. I love this kid sfm <3

She's really cute. Like, super cute. And
totally amused and in love and such.

Again. GIFs of him just saying words because
his face. Those stupid little expressions and
his, IDK, I can't even stand how much I love him.

She is seriously too cute for words.

There is this macro on tumblr about this scene. It says
something like "Have my headphones, phone number, email, fax,
etc." And that basically sums it up. I named this GIF
which I think also works :)

She put her hand on his to stop him from leaving. His
hand was on his car, which is a hearse he named Morty.
I can't express... okay, well, lookit what I named the GIF and that
basically sums it up. Either way, this is too cute. I also love
that he doesn't look at her hand on top of his immediately.

Then he gets in his car and they just
look at each other and they didn't even
show him driving off this time, and
IDEK, it makes me super happy.

part one :)

pairing: eli/clare, tv: degrassi, privacy: public, fanart: gifs

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