Our tentative DC schedule so far :D

Aug 12, 2009 19:54

Even though the DC website says that the grid will be up and online for viewing on Aug. 24th...taken from schedule grids posted on various DC Track's assorted websites:

Friday 1pm
SPOTLIGHT ON TERRY GILLIAM (Marriott Atrium Ballroom)

Friday 4:00 pm Sci Fi Media
Heroes - Shadows from the Past
Sit down with Christine Rose and Eric Roberts and ask questions about their time on Heroes, and how their adventures affected the new generation

Friday 7pm Trek Trak
J. J. Abrams' Star Trek: The Verdict

Friday Sci Fi Classics
Stump the Geeks
8:30 pm , A703

Friday 10:00 pm Sci Fi Media
True Blood - Southern Discomfort
HBO's vampire show has caused a lot of strong reactions. How did they do on adapting the books and the actors' performances that are making this hit.

Fri 11:30 PM
Dr. Horrible's
Sing A Long Blog
Sheraton Grand Ballroom


Saturday 1:00 pm Sci Fi Media
Smallville - Heroes in the Making
Season 8 brought Clark into his acceptance of role as a hero. Many changes and a new head of Lexcorp brings us into new frontiers with our old Friends.

I Grok Spock: TrekTrak Presents Leonard Nimoy

Sat 5:30 PM
Buffy and Angel
Guest Extravaganza!
Marriott Atrium Ballroom


Sunday 1pm
TrekTrak Presents Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Patrick Stewart

Sunday 04:00 pm Sci Fi Media
Heroes - Death is Merely an Inconvenience
Season 3 of Heroes was up and down. Two chapters, good guys turn bad, bad guys turn good, histories are revealed and more secrets are born.

Sun 5:30 PM
Life in the Dollhouse
Marriott L401-403

Sunday 7:00 pm Sci Fi Media
Terminated: Sarah Connors Chronicles
What looked like a surefire start stumbled season. Where did the show go and was it a good idea? Did it work or not? Some loved it and some hated it!

Mon Sci Fi Classics
70 Years of Batman in the Media
A703 11:30am International North

Of course there's tons of night time stuff that isn't even listed here, like the costume contest and the Dawn drinking game etc, this looks like a great con so far.........and yes, there was a ton of stuff overlapping that had to be culled out to make this, and the real grid isn't even up yet, yep as per usual, we are screwed :P
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