Me and my environs

May 07, 2010 08:30

Ok I know that everyone has left Live Journal behind because they're on The Facebook and The Twitter now but I'll rant anyways.
This fucking oil spill. Yet another man-made disaster that could have been avoided. This could have been prevented-perfect example "The small U.S. agency that oversees offshore drilling doesn't write or implement most safety regulations, having gradually shifted such responsibilities to the oil industry itself for more than a decade. (WSJ)" YOU CAN NOT LET *ANY* INDUSTRY SELF-REGULATE. "The U.K.-home to one of the largest offshore-drilling industries in the world-has taken a different regulatory approach. In 1998, after a fire aboard a North Sea platform killed 167 people, the U.K. separated its offshore safety-oversight agency from the revenue-gathering side. (WSJ)" Duh. "After that change, the U.K.'s safety record improved. (WSJ)"
"In 2000, the MMS issued a safety alert saying it expects oil companies to have a backup system to activate blowout preventers if the main activation system fails. A spokesman for MMS says it relied on industry assurances that backup systems were in place, but did no formal survey." WTF!!!!!!!!! That's like giving an addict a syringe filled with top notch heroin and saying "Now I expect you not to do this, and I trust you won't. Good day sir" and walking away. Fucking morons. The gross irresponsibilities these fuckers have displayed is killing us, people, all in the name of profits so these fat cats can inflate their bank accounts.
We are all guilty of using oil products in our daily lives. We all need to work together to support and push through legislation that champions green technology to allow us to move away from oil dependence. That's one of the big things. Get involved, don't vote for ANYONE that doesn't have the environment in their best interests.
The next thing we can definitely do on a personal level is be more intelligent about our use. Drive a better car that's better on gas mileage. There is absolutely NO REASON why a single driver or even a family of four has to drive an SUV. Absolutely not. I see this more here in Denver than anything. "But it's better in the snow" is the excuse I hear all the time. That's bullshit. These people rarely go muddin' or traipsing around in the mountains through snow drifts that's just ridiculous. All they need their Escalades for is switching into 4-wheel drive as they traverse speed bumps at the mall.
I hope gas goes up past $5 a gallon this summer. I hope it stays that way. I hope it keeps going up. We're not paying NEARLY as much as other countries for gas and yet that's all I hear about when shit like this goes down. "Oh great now gas will be $4 a gallon!" Good. Maybe then you'll learn that you don't need that behemoth of a vehicle to go to and from work.
The ONLY WAY to get people in this fucking country angry or involved in something is to fuck with their money. People really need to start rethinking their choices in where they spend. Yeah, I'm going there. I'm going to criticize people's choices. Gas too expensive? Get a smaller car that's better on gas.
People also complain that driving to and from work is what makes their cost of gas rise. Well guess what---don't live too far from work! The luxury of being able to spread out in your 3000 sq ft home for 2 or 3 people comes at a price. Move closer to work. Drive less. Oh, but you want all this space, you're entitled to it, right? Hopefully you'll rethink your excessiveness once it starts affecting your money.
With oil prices increasing it affects more than just gas. It will cost us more to heat our homes. Bigger deal here in Denver than Florida, but whatevs.
Guess what? Cost too much to heat your McMansion? GET A SMALLER PLACE! No one needs that fucking much space. Americans always have to do things to the extremes, always have to have the biggest and best, rite? Well I for one can't wait for the system to fall and all these fucking sheep lose their most prized things in their lives-their fucking possessions. Get over it you mass consumer motherfuckers-you can't buy your way out of everything and when the price of human folly is too great you'll be the one clutching your Louis Vuitton purses as the world falls apart.
Good day sir.
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