An Everlasting Love With...Junk Food/Confectionary

Jun 02, 2009 12:44

I have an addiction. I'm a junk food addict, and an exercise whatever-the-opposite-of-addict-is. It's a combination that by rights should make me look like a cross between Augustus Gloop and the mother from What's Eating Gilbert Grape, but I must have one kickass metabolism, because all the carbs and sugar I've been consuming lately seems to disappear into thin air.My fear is that it's not gone; it's just in storage. In a few years, said kickass metabolism will slow down (or maybe kill itself, what will all the pressure I'm putting on it and everything) and I'll balloon out and end up looking like Jan from Grease. Ugh, perish the thought.

So I'd like to introduce you to a new segment in Lo-Town (at least, newer than the last two) -- Things That Make Me Go 'Mmm'. Those of you who've lived at least, um, five years or so may remember that used to be the slogan for McDonald's back before it got douchey and 'health-conscious' (scoff), and it's also a pretty kickass song by C&C Music Factory.

Actually, according to my iTunes, that song is actually 'Things That Make You Go Hmm', but since that's completely beyond my original point, this sentence is so over. And since technically I'm introducing you to another segment, this post is so over. See you on the other side... 

an everlasting love with...

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