May 11, 2009 09:15
I'm awake, because Rachel Lam wants to bake. In. The. Morning. Yes, I dont know what's wrong with her either. Ooh, the washing machine is making a melody because it has finished um, washing. I bet yours doesnt sing when its done. Okay my washing machine pwns yours, why am I talking about thisssss. Mum bought me a pair of killer heels, the sole is so fucking awesome, it's really weird but totally kickass. My breakfast is hot, I'm damn anal about this. Po-po-po-poke her face po-po-poke her face, credits sam lee awesomezomfgggjkwwjwiewoieowie. WHY CANT ALL PHOTO LABS JUST DEVELOP SLIDE FILMS LIKE TRIPLE D, BLOODY FUCK. I'm burned. bye.