Intimidation is a game for the weak - we back our words, WE WILL DEFEAT.

Jun 10, 2004 17:47

I haven't made a public entry in this journal since my friends only page, and I had never intended to, but I need to make a few things abundantly fucking clear to someone, because I know she's probably lurking THE FUCK outta my journal.

I'm not entirely sure where to start, but I think that this is a good place:
There are few people that I care more about than Thomas.
He is one of the most amazing, generous people that I have ever met in my life, and I fucking love him to death.
I don't need to go through a whole big sappy tirade, because that isn't the point.
All you have to know is this:

On to the idiocy/hypocrisy/retardation:

ive been really nice publicly about the entire incident but now i dont even give a fuck.
Yes, because in real life, you were blowing up his phone and making veiled threats at him and Jamie.
Maybe your Live Journal friends, who I hear are your ONLY friends, didn't notice, but we sure as hell did.

you should have been man enough to try to address the problems in our marraige and try to fix them, instead of pussying out like you did by saying "they will be in the mail"
If I'm not mistaken, you're a fake bitch and he was sick of your shit.
So he was supposed to try to change the fact that you sucked at life and deal with it?
Right. And if I'm not mistaken, he never sent you the papers, you left Florida WITH THEM.

while still collecting money and benefits from the government because we were still married. and not only are you no better than i, you also broke the law because you were collecting money and living illlegally in the house that was supposed to be for married couples. and by having an affair cos we hadnt even filed a seperaration agreement. what a fucking loser you truly are.
I'm sorry, but who dragged out the divorce months longer than it had to be so she could still have medical benefits from the military?

you are so two faced. you still to this day call me and try to be all nice and shit while behind my back you would badmouth me. making me out to be this pretty awful person that i was not. im sick of sitting by and hearing all this shit and reading it with my own two eyes. well once the divorce is finnally official, signed, sealed and shut. i dont ever want to hear from you ever a matter of fact, its already been done cos i signed the papers and sent them to your lawyer.
Right, because he was the one calling you.
Like two days ago, when you called him 9 times.
That was an accident, right?
& if you don't ever want to hear from him again, why are you sitting around on the internet making weak passes at him and his friends?
Stop playing like you're tough, because it's pretty goddamn apparent that you aren't.

Case in point: you IMing me last night.
Shall I refresh you on what happened?
ella b HSS: you got some shit you need to get off your chest bitch?
ella b HSS: this is toms ex wife
ella b HSS: you seem to have an awful lot of shit to talk in his journal
ella b HSS: yea i didnt think so
xhollyholocaustx: i'
Auto response from ella b HSS: goodnight my beautiful internet friends.
xhollyholocaustx: i'll be in new york for hellfest
xhollyholocaustx: find me and see what happens
xhollyholocaustx: cuntwhore

Good job talking to me when I wasn't even home.
And good job not replying when I know you were online.
Who's "internet tough" now, you fucking pussy.

Sidenote: I know I said New York, and Hellfest is in New Jersey this year.
Same difference.

yea you bought me alot of stuff, but you didnt respect or value me at all.
Shit, you really must not have been worth it, then.
He treats Jamie like a goddamn queen.

dont bother trying to reply. im not going to respond .
Oh, but you already have.

And let's talk about your involvement in the Connecticut Hardcore scene.
Wait, you aren't involved in the scene at all, so you have no reason to be going around pulling the card on who's a "lamer hxc" kid or not.
Don't you have an old school rose and swallows tattooed on your chest?
Good job picking some flash pieces off of a wall and putting them together.
And good job on being the stereotypical fairweather scene whore.
If you cared so much about hardcore, you'd still be in the scene, and you'd have room to make judgment calls on others.
But since you're not living the life, stop using hardcore in vain to try and make yourself look good.
Anyone who knows the situation knows that you're a fake bitch, and the others, well, it's not like you'll ever meet any of your internet friends in person, right?
So no harm done, right?

In conclusion, I'd like to point out that:

And in case you didn't notice what was on my shirt, let me show you a little closer:

Oh damn.

Oh shit I forgot, these pictures probably don't have enough contrast in them for your taste.
Let me fix that real quick:

That's better.
If I looked like a troll to begin with, the contrast in these pictures would have helped out a lot.
But you knew that.

In any event, you know the time and place.
I won't look for you, because I'm sure you won't be there.

What's left to say?
Gave all you had, so.
Can't live off that, no.
This isn't yours, not anymore.
Don't come around, you're bringing us down.
Enough, ENOUGH, I've had enough.
Never understand, never comprehend.
Why you're here, WHY ARE YOU HERE?
You're running out of steam as time slips away.
And no one cares, NO ONE CARES.
It's too late, your number's up.
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