Meeting with my darling Meggie Poo later on for lunch at Ice Cream Chef's at two thirty. And as with the cliche line, I can't wait for later. Because I miss my best friend and a more honest second reason: I am hungry.
My tsunami just got more serious and for some reason this week was a lot heavier than previous. It is like there was some choked drain or something then FWOOSH! I shall spare you the details. Since I hypothesised that it was because I ate a lot, I shall start eating less. *nod nod*
And so here begins my rant on how deprived I'm feeling right now. Because my monster of a tsunami left its trail all over the house and irritated the hell out of my mother, I am banned from eating things from the fridge namely apples and orange juice and vitagen, leaving bread the only thing eligible BUT I get nagged at my mom everytime I steal them, (which happens quite often I must admit) SO right now I'm left with nothing to eat.
Not that I didn't eat a lot for breakfast, but that's another thing.
Life's starting to get more hectic and suffocating, with all the house comm and cheer and outings and exams going on. And actually, I do find it rather annoying that I am forced to go out like that. And no I am not talking about school stuff. More like private life stuff. I mean, I told you I would go, no need to get all aggressive and threaten me into going. I understand it's a special day and all, of course I will make the effort to, but after how you've talked to me, I'm not so sure about my intentions any more.
I've been trying very hard to like you. I really have. Sometimes you appear nice but sometimes you are just downright annoying, but most of the time annoying. I shan't go into more details, lest the person finds out about here. That shall be saved for another bitching post. >) So all in all, I just bitched and stress-relieved myself. (:
Aaaand on a lighter note, mid years have slapped me hard in the face and I have decided to be a mugger! (: Starting today. After I'm done with this post. ...and maybe after watching a few videos on youtube. Oh darn I would have to meet Megan then. Fine, after the date. ...after dinner and watching a bit of TV and bathing. ...and after charging my iPod, and maybe check a few of my mails.
Yes I shall start just then.
And on an even lighter note (that one was helium-light, this one's gonna by hydrogen-light), I helped Qi En create her LJ!! (: Peeps that know her, here is a little publicity for her:
unspokenwhy . She was having a terrible time trying to come up with a nice user and all her DBSK song names were taken and so we randomly mashed up random parts of lyrics together (unspoken from Haru Haru, why from Doushite) and since she was running late to meet her friends, here is a super random but emo user! (:
Be grateful QE.
Yayyyyy wall of texts again! I'm so proud of my ability to bullshit.