One team. One cheer.

Oct 10, 2010 12:21

Open house is finally over.

All went extremely well. All stunts were up. Good fighting were seen. Infectious smiles remain on our faces despite the weariness that has mounted throughout the exhausting day. 
The week of Open House spamming training were not wasted. I'm so proud of all of them, even though my role is small.

I remember dreading training at the last day of promos. In fact I wanted to avoid it so much I was willing to take promos forever. I guess it was because the feeling of helplessness and loneliness I get every time I go there. Helpless when I can't go on stunts. Lonely when I can't find a chance to open up to them.

After the end of one gruelling week, I can say I don't dread cheer as much now. Actually, I was looking forward to cheer next week. I wouldn't say that I am extremely close to them now, but I guess stronger friendships have been formed than last time. (:

It all started with a simple day with an SMS from Vivian suggesting we go training together. To cut a super long story short, there were serious miscommunication between us and both of us ended up heading to school, then to parkway, and back to school because we thought we didn't want to trouble each other. XD Met Sikai along the way and ran for training together because we were just a few minutes shy of sabo-ing the entire team to do squats.

Not much stunts were done today because most of the bases were mugging for the, ahem, very much prestigious chinese promos. So we mainly spammed dance and PT.

After which Vivian and I headed for dinner together and we had a really fruitful dinner because we were just randomly talking about stuff and we realised we have a lot in common. I found another friend! :D I am so glad I made friends with her because she is such an awesome friend to talk to about stuff. :)

Most of the bases were back so it was mostly stunts and some dance today. I didn't do much stunts because Desmond fell sick, most probably from yesterday's run. And Weeps was telling us to feed him Western medicine/ Chinese medicine/ Indian medicine/ medicine from all over the world lol. Also not much done today. But an MSN convo with Sophie tonight sort of touched me. She was telling me to not be afraid to join them and don't feel so left out. And we spazzed on MSN for a while before I got distracted by my, ahem, manga. *plays with fingers*
Love you tooo Sophie! (:

For reasons unknown we had our warm ups outside the GO. It went a little something like this:

Nic: "Okay to your right!"
*Every body stretches left hand over head and bends towards the right*
Every one: "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

You can safely assume that by then the muscle aches were in full swing.

Sikai and I planned to meet up early in the morning to spam our shoulder sits because there were some problems with it. Having eaten chicken wings yesterday thanks to MJ (speaking of which I have just gotten a massive ulcer under my tongue) I decided to arrive in school at around 7 to run but I forgot there was school today and running would be embarrassing so in the end I slept in the cheer room. -.-

Training with Sikai was fruitful because thanks to the lovely Bryan our shoulder sit finally succeeded! (: The initial stages of twisting down were hilariously awkward because we always ended up in weird positions. -.-

("You think you no need to swing down too is it? Aiyo you lazy girl."
"You're supposed to swing your other leg too la!"
"Eh why I sit there my left leg is on his left shoulder, but when I come down my right leg is on his left shoulder? (Is my leg even supposed to be on his shoudler?)"
"You're not supposed to let go of her leg!")

Mass spammage of full dress today. And pleasantly surprisingly all stunts went up. :D I'm so glad my shoulder stands were (forcibly) passable. Because even though it was rather ugly, I didn't fall, so I consider that a pass XP Training ended early today because we had to get ready for the big day tomorrow. After making a pact with Wei Ting I ran home to pack up and eat before heading over to Kristy's for a sort of sleepover. Come to think of it, it was my first sleepover under the pretence of the need to prepare for performance! :D 
Had a fun time at night with the girls, waxing our legs and laughing over how unglam all of us looked. XD And apparently I grab people's hands when I sleep in the middle of the night, and ended up waking Wei Ting up from her sleep. Oops. XP

The Day Which Totally Didn't Feel Like The Day At All Because We Woke Up At An Unearthly Hour Of 4 AM
There was a mad rush to make up and get changed and some of us ended up doing our makeups and stuff in the cab. Shall skip the uneventful parts and fast forward to the scene behind the stage in the hall. All of us were excessively nervous.

For me it was because the place was a Deja Vu, with Saba leaning against the side of the wall and talking about random stuff and Nic just nearby waiting, while I stand at almost the same place in front of the locker. Yes, Ursa House Cheer times. I remembered it was a terrible experience for me because 2 of my stunts didn't go up, even though they were awfully easy. So I was really afraid of history haunting me. Thank goodness history decided to be a good boy and stayed far, far away lodged in a deep part of my brain because the performance was an astounding success. The crowd cheered for us (oh the irony) and despite being the opening act the energy level in the hall was high. I was so damn bloody happy I didn't fail any stunts and pulled the team down.

The House Comm skit was hilarious. Kudos to Cheryl and Yi Ting for making it so awesome. (: Got laughed at by Kenwin and Ryan halfway because they said my make up looks like failed Lady Gaga. -.- Assembly was freakishly fun towards the end because there was a teacher's band!! The entire hall was damn high and started jumping and all of us were shoulder sitting on each other. XD

In the middle of the day after successfully killing 4 painfully long hours we finally starterd and after another successful afternoon open house performance we allowed for random people to try stunts. Most of the try-ers (teehee, tryer flyer!) were girls though. And call me hopelessly stupid but I think one of the girls who tried was my cousin! :D But being the blur person I am I decided to not make a fool of myself and didn't acknowledge her. But it was most probably her after a bout of stalking on FB.

And so we come to night where every body is drained and almost, almost couldn't perform any more. Thank goodness, as Saba said, our final Bankai mode came and pulled through it successfully. By then MJ and Weeps know that all of us were tired beyond hope and so let us off earlier than intended. There was apparently a very interesting dance off but I was stuck helping a girl clean up watermelon juice she spilt over. TTATT Oh wells. Dinner-ed at Parkway's Mac's (mostly because the shops were closed by then) with Vivian, Nic, Saba, Wen Wei, Hong Hui and Si Kai. After which Vivian and I left early.

And there I was thinking on the bus again. About next year, when we all had to leave. If it was me before, I probably would have been happier than ever. But I suppose now that I have gotten a little bit more close to the people there, I am guessing that I would most probably cry. Blame it on my PMS, but I suppose that is how important cheer became to me now.

Vivian and I both admitted that we were so frustrated by failed stunts that we wanted to quit, but it's the family spirit there that bonded us. Whenever a stunt fails, nobody blames it on one person, nobody blames it on any person. It is a team effort, and all of us work together to correct the problem. When things don't go as expected, every body encourages people to push on; when things go well, claps, applause and shouts of 'good job's follows. That is the bond that ties us to cheer and makes us want to continue cheering. I guess, this is another commitment I have brought upon my shoulders, but I am not regretting it, not now at least. (:

One team, one cheer, VJ Knights. Thank you all for accepting me.

On a completely unrelated note, I am glad to say I am almost, almost through with crushing Dude 1. So any mention of his name shall be met with severe ranting from this aggressive PMS-ing woman. (:

rawr, life: general, life: cheer

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